Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My stand of old fashion roses are a pretty sick looking this year.  Of the few that didn't freeze, they are now starting to bloom.  I keep catching bugs in my photos of flowers.  The buds to the right shows that this rose bush is a very healthy one. The majority of the area is all dead stems. It is one of my next chores to clear the area of dead stems and volunteer unwanted growth.

Locust are everywhere.  Here is one on a peony leaf.  They are the 17 year Locust that crawl out ot the ground and climb the trees or plants to start shedding their skins.  Then they do all end up into the trees and make an strange wave like sound of scratchy sounds. I assume they are breeding and will eventually lay eggs in the ground for the next showing of them in 2033.  I saw them the first time in 1963 when my brother drove us back into our timber to see and hear them.  The noise was unbelievable for me as a 13 year old.  Now the sound seems too strange and is a lot irritating.

Two things you can observe in this photo.  The locust of course and also the damage that the hail did to our foliage of our plants.

This is my apple tree bark bug photo.  I was out to take just a few shots and I could find a locust on about everything out there.  I almost had a photo of one on my shirt but it would stay put for my wife to snap it.  I have many photos of the locust and I will spread the views of them throughout the next few blogs.

I will finish today with a shot of my Grandma Brooks' red peony.  I have one planting of these that is putting out a normal showing of many blooms.  I have another plant that just had one bloom and another that had no blooms.  The nonblooming one is getting moved when I get to it.

I worked  Tuesday as a sub for an absent janitor.  I was needed to do some drywall work and I have had a lot of experience with the work.  They are reworking two rooms and there is a lot of damage to drywall when you remove a division wall.  I will go back today to help out and then I am home again on Wednesday.  I am better and feel stronger.  Working probably was stupid for me to do but putting putty in nail holes was not a very difficult thing for me to do physically.  I did have to do a lot of standing on a tall step ladder as my partner of work didn't like heights.  I was glad I wasn't having the dizzy spells like I had a few weeks ago.  I figure I can get back into shape with this kind of work.  I was very tired by the end of the day.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Are the bugs cicadas ? I remember the sound of cicadas when I was young , almost overwhelming.

    Your peony is beautiful.

  2. That is a beautiful peony. We got some one to climb on our roof and fix it . Bennie hated to admit it but didn't think he was up to it. I was so glad.

  3. Your cicadas have a lot more red on them than we usually see. Would make them easier to find!

  4. Those bugs are pretty cool! Thanks for the good get well wishes, I enjoyed all your photos when I was in the hospital on my kindle...nice way to start the day. Your roses are lovely...I think mine bit the dust time will tell:)

  5. I love the peony, too.
    The locust noise would drive me crazy, I think.
    Please don't overwork and get under the weather again.
    Wishing you both a nice day.
