Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday's Photo Finish.............

Another picture of my geranium with the wonderful color on the leaves.  All the hardy geraniums are all set with blooms ready to put on a show.

My pond, formerly a  stock tank, continually gives me a waterfall sound in the backyard.  I had plantings along the right side of the tank but they didn't live through last summer's heat.  The little goldfish seem to be thriving. They can be seen skimming off the mosquito larvae daily off of the pond water surface.

I captured a good shot of this lily  when it was getting late in the evening.  The little bugs are extra to see. We have rain in the forecast in a few days and that will mess this up. The taking of any photo out in the garden requires me to swat the mosquitoes off my back and neck and legs and arms and head.  It is an active procedure to take any photos right now as they swarm out in the dozens from among all those leaves. Our town charges us monthly in our water bill to pay for the spraying of the town for mosquitoes. I am assuming their sprayer is broken as they haven't needed to use it the past two summers and they certainly don't seem to be using it now.

I am working as a sub for a janitor again today.  I think I will be replacing hanging ceiling tile today.  I should have a kink in my neck by the end of the day. Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all of you  have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Larry, I remember John replaced ceiling tile at one of our homes and he was so stiff. Hope your day won't be too long.
    Your geranium is gorgeous. A friend brought us Elephant Ears today to plant. That's a lovely daylily too. Such a nice color. No rain here for several days, so we did have to water. We stay close to home on the weekends. Hope you two will enjoy your time together this weekend.

  2. You have been working all week! Hope you get a rest on the weekend! The skeeters are terrible up here..I hate them:(
