Wednesday, July 23, 2014

In the Middle of the Week........

I took this a few days ago of this very large daylily.  It is the large variety of daylilies and it really makes the smaller lilies seem dwarfed. 

This smaller daylily is a new one blooming for me.  It appears to be a late bloomer as I wasn't expecting to see a different variety. The blue background is an error of hitting the wrong setting on the camera. 

This is the time of the year when the squirrels start to chew off clumps of leaves.  I have clumps all over my yard.  I didn't believe that they did that until I was out in the yard with the little dog and a parachute like clump of leaves fell to the ground.  A squirrel was above it and I am betting he wasn't planning for it to fall. You can see the nest he is making up in my silver maple tree.  I have heard that it is the younger squirrels that do this.

Working again today at school. It is not to be so hot today as yesterday.  I have learned how to install all the parts to entrance doors to auditoriums and double doors in hallways.  I doubt I will never use that information again after this job but I will definitely have the skill down after all the doors we are working with on the job.  We have a cool front moving in from the north so we will be less hot today.  Thanks for stopping in today. 


  1. Years ago, mother and I had a yellow daylily named Big Bird...I wonder if yours is that variety.

    Happy to hear you are expecting cooler temps. Take care.

  2. You make me wish I had more day lilies. Lovely!

  3. So that's where those clumps come from. I didn't think that it was always after a windstorm that I ran across them, but figured I just must not have noticed how windy it had been.

    It's can learn something new every day !
