Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday's Showing...........

I have mentioned before that I have volunteer coneflowers in my tomato patch.  These tomatoes are a cherry tomato variety that is larger than the sweet 100's.  All of my tomato plants are in bloom and the ones that get the first sun in the morning are with small tomatoes on them.  The other end of the row is behind in development.  All of them have really rooted in and have grown in height the past week.

My yellow day lily that is larger than most, continues to put out their striking blooms. There is a rose bush behind them that has put out a new bud again.  I hope it does well as it was the transplanted rose that I really did want to keep alive.  I water it a lot to keep it going as it sits on the south side of the house and doesn't get much moisture from of the rains that we have been receiving.

I finally got a good shot of the bee balm.  It was a cloudy day and the wind was not blowing.  The flower is much darker in color than this but I did get a focused macro this time around.  They have really spread in the corner of the fenced in backyard and the tree above, the ash, is now showing the effects of the insect that is killing it.

The frequent rains have kept the creeping bluebell in bloom.  Last year at this time I was already mowing it down and the blooms lasted only a couple of weeks.  The entire plants shriveled up and turned to dead stems.  The bottom buds this year are all that are blooming now but it still gives me some blue violet colors in the garden.

I took a lot of shots yesterday and in most all of the photos one can see weeds.  I will not be retuning to school to work anymore so maybe I can hit a flower bed each day until they are cleared away.  Even in the best of photos there is a stray dandelion leaf sticking out behind them.  This flower bed of my wife's has to be watered a lot as it sits almost under a pine tree.  When I weed it there will be a lot less green leaves around the flowers.

The brown eyed Susan is struggling this year but it is going to put out a few blooms.  It is being invaded by coneflowers and I think I will just move the Susan to my new garden area.

No big plans for Sunday and will take things slow today.  My physical needs are to recoup from all the work that was done with hanging doors the past two weeks.  I am not damaged or that much out of shape.  I am just old. I will do less weight lifting while doing garden work and mowing. 

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great Sunday.


  1. When we had bee balm in the yard, we noticed how much the hummingbirds loved it. Have you seen any hummers?

    I love your wife's petunias. Very pretty, as are all the blooms and the tomatoes.

    Hope you have a nice day and a less stressful week physically.

  2. Goodness, you have tomatoes and ours are only at the blossom stage ! What beautiful flowers you have, always a joy to see them.

  3. We have some similar flowers, the pink bee balm, a big yellow day lily, and coneflowers. And of course the weeds - just spent several hours over two days getting rid of at least some of them. Hope you recover from the door hanging work. And I love your current header photo.

  4. You will be eating tomatoes before long:)

  5. Your garden looks like it is full of color and life.
