Thursday, July 31, 2014

Things to Do and Share.............

I took many photos of the swallowtail in the condflower patch.  It didn't seem to be too bothered by my presence as it was eating nectar as fast as it could.  My zinnias are not open yet but I am hoping that the two kinds of flowers will bring in more butterflies.  I tell more about this story of the butterfly on my Larry's Photo a Day.

My wife's pot of dianthus are growing wild.  I can't take enough photos of them as they continue to increase their number of blooms.  It did take a long time for them to establish in that soil but regular watering and fertilizer has helped them to do well.  Remember all the photos of the single lines of flowers but now there are no lines, just bunches of blooms.

This may be a reposting of the photo but I wanted to share how it is blooming.  The daylily next to it isn't doing as well but I decided to removea low hanging tree branch from the area. It will do better next year.  It is strange how you don't notice things about the growing conditions of the plants until you see them bloom.  I had trimmed that tree back this spring but I guess I liked how the branch look not on how it was a long branch shading plants from the sun.

I am reposting this photo to share about my project for today.  I cleared away a very aged forsythia bush yesterday.  I wasn't going to do much physically but I did get a lot done in that area.  I now need to build a new fence area where I had removed the bush. The bush was a visual barrier to keep the dogs in and there also was a woven wire fence next to it.  The forsythia was  mostly dead wood and was at first hard to get to as it hid behind the scratchy barberry.  Once into the area the reciprocating saw made it light work.  I even had a wheel barrow of leaves sitting under the bush to tote away in the wheel barrow. I had two loads of dead wood and green wood. 

My new fence design that I have to solve is to incorporate an existing wooden fence with either two new sections of fence or one larger section.   I may create a z shaped fence line as that seems easy and also makes the backyard be a little larger.  I will show shots later of whatever I will figure out.

I have to go out and remove things from my garden shed so I can get to the attic of the shed for  2 x 4's to help in the construction.  It is sad that the shed is so crowded that I can't get anything out the  door because it is so full.  If I remove wood pieces I will be making more space in the shed and that is a good thing. I have salvaged glass doors and an antique cupboard in there that really need to be reused.  But that requires a whole different set of projects to get them ready to be out of the shed.  Hoarding is a serious problem you know.

It looks like a good day out there again today. I am anxious to get more things accomplished.  It is cold but it will warm up soon.  I will wear a sweatshirt at first then shed down to cooler clothes as I am out there.  Thank you for your appearance today at my blog. 


  1. You are getting so much work done this summer. Should it be so cool at this time? I hear we will have a early and bad winter again .
    It is much cooler here in Arkansas and that is not normal for this time of the year.

  2. Glad the weather is cooler for you; that will make building the fence easier. I always enjoy your pretty floral photos. It was 62 when we woke today - very nice and cloudy!

  3. That is a great photo of the Coneflowers with the Butterfly! You are getting lots of projects done! I am working in my garage today...same thing hoarding is a bad thing:(

  4. Yes, the hoarding is nerve-wracking. At my age, I've decided I would rather have the ease of movement in the shed rather than the things I keep holding onto !
