Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Two Things for Tuesday.........

An insect was able to get a meal from this petal before the lily bloomed.  I like these lilies a lot but I wished they didn't only have one bloom per bulb.  You can see the hostas in the background are putting out great blooms.

I use to grow sunflowers when I was a kid living on a farm in southern Iowa.  They made me so happy as they grew like weeds and got to be so tall.  I liked how the blooms would follow the sun and the birds in the fall would eat at them with great glee.  I hope to save my seeds for feeding the birds over the winter. The plants in my garden today seem to have taken a long time to get established. I have about a dozen of them and they are at different heights at this time.  Four of them have decided to take off and shoot up to the sky like I remember as a kid. Actually the are about chest high right now.

Back at work today helping a partner spray paint classroom doors.  Most all of the doors have been removed and taken to the shop for a change in finish with a new color of paint.  It will be a weight lifting day as they get flipped over and moved to the booth for a quick spray and then moved to a place to dry.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. This is a pretty lily. I've never grown sunflowers but I do love them.

  2. Sunflowers are like sunshine and they do make you happy.
    Don't work to hard today.
