Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wandering Through Wednesday.......

I really haven't planned it that way but I seem to have mostly yellow and orange flowers with accents of red.  The spring brings out pink colors of peonies but otherwise it is continually bright colors from my flowers.  To contradict myself I will have pastel phlox colors to calm the nerves.  The blue pansy rally stands out in the one flower bed.  I wished the flower would spread out more but it is spotty blues among the petunias planted around them.

I mentioned that I had installed my bracket to hold my flag during the 4th of July.  I never made a photographic record of it but I did catch this a couple of days ago.  I had to put an old pole back together and put the flag on the pole with some strong rope and duct tape. The duct tape really doesn't show much. Did you know that duct tape was used to cover bullet holes in planes during the war.  I find out great stuff on PBS.

To contradict myself in my own blog from what I had rambled about in the first paragraph, here are some pink petunias.  They seem to be struggling but maybe by fall they will take off and grow faster.

I don't know what the stray green thing is that is growing next to the plant but I am too busy taking photographs to weed  my garden.  That particular garden is badly designed as I have a whole row of volunteer hollyhocks in the front part of it and then the short stuff is all behind it with the blue boy statue.  The hollyhocks look great in August and it is nice they want to do so well. I guess I need to buy tall flowers to go behind them.

Out with all the hollyhocks this daylily continues to do well making a great show of color.  I am thinking this plant will get lifted and thinned and I will move more of it to other parts of the property. It seems to be a tough plant that blooms such large flowers compared to the average size lily.

I really do think the hardy geranium has become my main stay to get color in the garden.  Iowa weather seems to be good for them other than in the drought season when you have to water them a lot.  They are a tough plant that doesn't need much care.

I didn't work at school today.  I needed a day to rest up for more door hanging tomorrow.  I helped deal with doors part of the day yesterday and created shelving in an art room cupboard for the art teacher. She now has 23 more small shelving areas in which to store her students' art folder. I stayed late yesterday to get the job completed.  I hate leaving something like that not finished when a little more time will finish it off. I don't think I mentioned that the full time worker is planning to have 100 or more doors painted by the time school starts.  The doors are taken down and moved to a shop are for spray painting of a new shining surface.

Good weather today again and I will be mowing the property for sure as one of my chores.  We are almost done with the student senior composite.  Of course we are missing one photo and I had to make calls and arrangement to bring that one last photo in to me. I may just turn it in with the blank space and when the photo shows I will work it in and take it to the school and fill the hole. Lots of odd jobs to do today which is good to do when I have nothing major planned to take away my time.  We may make an art store run today as I have some things to purchase for another framing project and my wife usually needs paint or pastels for her work.  We shipped off a portrait painting to Florida yesterday and she has another one in line to be worked on for a customer.

I appreciate your stopping by today.  Good weather is helpful to make things look better out there in the world.  I hope all of you are doing well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have some wonderful blooms.
    I hope lifting those heavy doors won't get you sick again. Be careful.
    A new Goodwill thrift stores opens here tomorrow and we look forward to browsing.
    I always enjoy seeing Della's art on fb. You two have a good evening.

  2. One project after another! You are always busy! Hope you get some time to relax. I am certain that the Roses are blooming in Duluth...I am so tempted to go have a look:)

  3. Your flowers are stunning. You are so right about the reliable and durable geranium. I can count on them for color around here too, even during the very wet seasons we have.

    It sounds like you're getting a lot accomplished ( except the weeding ! ) making for a productive summer. The nice thing about photographing your flowers is you'll be able to enjoy them in pictures during the winter when weeding won't be a concern !
