Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Hungry Swallowtail.........

While out in the garden I notice this swallowtail digging deep into this daylily.  I have never seen them even try to eat f rom this flower but this one was very active as it dipped in and out to get the nectar.  I like this photo as a lot of my photos don't show the outside edges of their wings.  There two swallows out there a lot of the time of the day and still a mysterious orange butterfly that I still can't identify nor capture on the camera.

I guess my illness early in spring kept me from getting the zinnias in the ground.  So I am still waiting for that first bloom to happen.  Both flowerbeds of zinnias look great, one is in the sun more so it has matured faster. 

I like the design that I created but it looks bad to me when I see it in the photo. It has better design when you see it not through the camera's view.  It is a filler piece that I made from scrap.  I may return and rework it but for now I am just letting it be.  My thoughts were to place vines and rocks on the shelves.  Maybe even antique tools could go on the shelves.  If I tire of it and rework it, I will just remove the shelves or some of the shelves. It is actually a ladder like piece with small boards in the front of it and wider boards in the back.

Coming tomorrow will be close up shots of the first morning glory in bloom. I went out to the garbage can and noticed that the first bud finally opened.  It took a while to see it happen.  I returned with camera in hand and this photo is hot off the presses.

We had a great visit with son Aaron and his wife Keegan.  They should be on their way to Lake Pokegama in Minnesota this morning.  They live on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, a mile away from it in fact, but family tradition takes them back to the lake of their childhood.  We had good times visiting and catching up on the things of Iowa and of Maine.  Keegan's dad is harvesting the blueberries and the two of them saw moose while kayaking on a lake near where they live. Aaron discovers the changes of our area as Des Moines westward keeps growing.  We are back to empty nesters again are tired today.  We will head out to church soon and teach our Sunday school classes and get a sandwich afterwards.  Stop at Walmart on the way home and we will have a quiet afternoon.    Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I look every morning for a morning glory and this morning there were 4 lovely ones. First blooming. I didn't remember that it would be Aug before they would bloom. Did you?
    We are not seeing many butterfly's this year.

  2. The butterfly photo is wonderful. I like the ladder (fill in) you built and rocks or antiques would be great displayed there. Our former neighbor collected vintage oil cans and made a similar piece to yours to display them on by the front door. It made a great conversation piece.
    So happy you were able to spend time with your family. You said one time that you two always get the same kind of sandwich.....last week I tried a brand new pizza place that has sub sandwiches. I ventured out of my comfort zone and ordered steak and cheese and it was delicious!!! Enjoy a restful evening.
