Saturday, August 23, 2014

Soggy Saturday Stuff............

The orange zinnia seems to be the dominate flower this summer as both patches are filled with them.  With all the rain it is great to have such great color to see.

Speaking of orange, the tomatoes are going to finally ripen.  I was late getting them into the ground being ill but they are going to make it.  My neighbor lady who planted from my  stock of plants are all mature and she is canning tomatoes.  Het garden went it when it was cold and frosty about three weeks before I put mine in the ground.  I had picked one of these tomatoes earlier to see if it would ripen in the house and it has but at about the same rate as this one in the garden.

Following the unintended orange theme, the first hardy geranium did capture by the camera as blurry orange.  It usually shows yellow in the lighter areas of the flower.  I just dead headed a lot of the blooms in this window box planter.  The blooms you see are just now starting to bloom again in the next cycle of growth.

 It isn't that orange in reality but the new iris I picked up yesterday is looking that color from this photo.  They had five or more  varieties of iris, now packaged with only one rhizome per package. There use to be three rhizomes per package for sale in the good old days. They one I bought is in great shape and not all shriveled up in the package.  I will try to buy a couple more kinds the next few weeks to replace some of my lost iris.  This has been a great month to move iris and replant as the gentle rains are keeping things alive and well.

I will cleanse your visual palette by showing you this magenta color of zinnia.  I think it will stop raining soon and that will be good. I need  to walk Barney as he won't go out in the back yard alone when it even looks a little bit like rain.

We received sad news from our son yesterday that his father in law passed away.  He had suffered from a stroke earlier the week before and he just did not recover from it. We are so sad for Patricia our daughter in law and her mother.  Patricia comes from a strong Chicago family and the three brothers and she will band together to support  each other and their mom.  I don't know of the age of the dad but it seemed he wasn't that old in comparison to those who are living for so long these days. 

We will have a low keyed day today as we both seem weary.  It will help when the sun comes out and it dries a little bit.  Southern Iowa is having a lot of flooding in places and the rains do keep coming.  I hope all of you have a great Saturday and thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear about Patricia's father. My deepest sympathy to all the family.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful flower photos. I hope the sun is shining today in your part of the country.
