Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Second Day of the Week.....

One of my favorite zinnias in the garden is this one shown above.  The actual bluish center around the center makes it an unusual zinnia as most others are just a solid color from the center outward to the tips of the petals.

It was a dangerous task to get close to the white morning glory.  I had to stand on a saw horse to get the picture.  I am too old and fat to be able to crawl up on top of a saw horse so I had to find something a foot tall to step up on to get to the top of the saw horse. I was too lazy to go to the other side of the property to get a stepladder.  You do know how that goes don't you?

I did get some photos of it once I was standing high enough to get the camera close to it.  The morning glory is structured differently than the other kinds as the bloom is more paper like and flimsy.  It looked like it was made from shear cloth.

Looking inside I thought there might be a little bit of color.  I guess the yellowish green center is the most color one gets with an all white flower.

I have a low spot at the end of one of my sidewalks where the sidewalk has settled into the ground lower that the rest of the side walk. The sidewalks were made in 1920's so they are old but still good.  Every few years I will remove the dirt that has washed down the sidewalk from the top of the property every time that it rains. The past couple of summers I haven't been physically able to remove it from the three sections of sidewalk.

 I was moving hostas around and dividing some when I walked by the area.  I took the spade I was using  to see how deep that it was and you can see a lot of good Iowa soil had washed down the sidewalk. I have plenty of low spots in the yard to spread this dirt once it gets dried out.  The rain we had last night has probably saturated it all to mud. It is one heavy load as the tire was squished as I  tried to  push the  barrow to this location.

I call this photo "Ghost Kitty" as she lurks around and never lets me get close to her. I can see her peaking around the shed and flowers to keep an eye on me. She is tame with the house full of people next door who own her.  She is blurry in the photo as the camera focused on the ladder in the foreground.  I see she is out wandering in the area again this morning.

I will finish with a shot of having all my zinnias in a row.  I have one pink zinnia among all the orange and lavender ones.  It is lighter colored than what the camera picked up but it is neat to have the different one out there among the others.

Feeling weary today but that doesn't mean that I don't have work to do.  It is soggy from an hour long rain we received  in the middle of the night.  People in other parts of the country are dry as a bone and we are soggy and muddy.  I don't think I can mow this morning to finish up my yard.  I guess I sort of mowed with wet grass yesterday as the humidity was so high that dew clung to the grass through the noon hour.

I had  a recorded machine call this morning to come in to substitute teach but I had to turn them down by pushing number 2.  I have a thing going on where I can not start subbing again until Sept. 1st.  I won't be doing the heavy duty time this year of many days a week like I did last year.  We may go shopping this afternoon as I have need of framing supplies and maybe a gallon of paint for the house.  A bookstore would be nice to visit if everyone is up to it.  Thanks for stopping by today and everyone take care of yourselves.


  1. I think your bloom is a Moon Vine, the bloom is larger and pretty much pure white and usually comes out late in the day and is beautiful at night! :)

  2. Be careful, Larry. All that climbing, all that digging/ hauling. We mature folks sometimes bite off more than we can chew - and get bitten right back. LOL LOVE the white morning glory/moonflower. I love white flowers at dusk - they just *glow*, don't they? Take care.

  3. It is lovely and when you did the close up it does look like a moon flower. The way to tell -they only start to bloom late in the day live all night but die my mid morning. The morning glory starts to bloom mid morning and die by afternoon.
    Have a fun shopping trip.

  4. So if it is a moonflower why would it be in with a multi color packet of morning glory seeds. Is it in the morning glory family?

  5. I don't know the answer to your question about the moon flower vs. morning glory. There are a few youtube videos of a moon flower opening in the evening that are fascinating to watch.
    I really like your zinnias this year.
    Your dirt is so rich looking; please be careful moving that heavy load.
    I do hope you enjoy the outing today and possibly a visit to the bookstore.
