Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunshine on Sunday.......

It is amazing as to how noticeably changed the light is already outside.  The earth starts tilting back for winter and the sun rays are at a different angle.  The zinnias are in full sunshine now in the afternoon.

The pink morning glory finally put out another bloom.  My problem now is that the vines are getting too much water.  I know that the fall light will start to change the color of the vines but the yellow I am seeing on the vines now is that there is too much water.

This cheap poplar type tree is showing the change in color from the changing season.  I really do not know where I bought this tree but I did know better as I had lombardy popular trees and they lived for such a short time. This one has lived longer than the lombardy kind.  As you can see I have a dead part on this tree now and I bet the rest of it will go in the next few years.

This is another new iris that I picked up at Wally Mart.  The last one I bought a few weeks ago concerned me after I had planted it.  I checked it yesterday where I had planted and everything that was on the rhizome seemed dead, then I looked closer and there was a large green leaf poking through. I will get this in the ground as soon as possible to give it a good chance to root and grow in before next spring. I think every iris that I moved this summer is still alive with new leaves poking through the old leaves.

I like fall but I dread what will follow.  The hardy geraniums are not so hardy anymore.  As you can see the foliage is doing well but the big beautiful blooms are now down to smaller bunches of buds.  It is good to see more buds are on their way now and within another month I will be bringing them inside to live.

A sunny Sunday this morning and the temperatures are cool but it has been projected that we will warm up again for a warmer week. I thank you for stopping by today.  Have a good and restful day.


  1. Good Sunday to you and your wife. Your zinnias and geraniums sure have been pretty. I am seeing a few trees change colors; the dogwoods are turning red. We are still hot throughout the day but many bloggers are talking about much cooler mornings. I will dread the time change and not being able to get outdoors after 6 p.m.! Wayside Gardens has a sale today 3 shrubs for $39. We are still ordering a few select plants for our back area.
    One plant we have really missed having is the Vitex or Chaste tree with brilliant blue blooms. We finally have a chance today to buy one from Wayside for a reasonable price. Blogger Patsy is also sending me some of the blackberry lily bulbs I shared with her some 6 years ago.
    I love the photo of your new iris. So happy that you are seeing growth on those that you have moved.
    Enjoy the afternoon.

  2. Yes we can tell the sun is moving
    and making less light on some plants. I have to water every day the morning glory's because they are in containers. We just have no rain but it has gotten cooler.

  3. Your flowers are lovely! Good to hear that the Iris are settling in their new spots:)
