Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hanging Around a Lumberyard.......

How many trips does one have to make to get a "do it yourself" job done?  I think there is always for certain at least one more trip to buy those things that don't fit, wrong color, or need a special tool.  The bottom part of the kitchen cupboards consisted of 7 drawers and 5 doors.  We bought five sets of new hinges from the one drawer at Menards ,of which should have been all the same hinges.  Two sets of them were the wrong size.  They looked just like the others but they were for a wood door that was thicker than our doors.  Doing the job I figured will require me to put in 30 screws to hold the hinges and 20 screws to attach the doors.  More screws, 10 of them, are used to hold on the door handles.  One set of the hinges didn't have the screws in it.  Finding just the right size of screwdriver for them is always a challenge and I don't seem to have the right screwdriver to the larger screws that hold the handles in place.  I made do, knowing that I could go back one more time to get just the right sized tool to make it happen. 

It was a good return trip today, even though it was crowded, as my wife thought of more things that she needed.  New silverware trays, utensil trays and shelf paper, now called shelf and drawer liner.  We found all these things in the section where the fancy new kitchen cupboards are sold along with fancy counter tops. This house would look strange with that kind of kitchen even though we would like a new kitchen.  But for this house we are just glad to give our cupboards a new paint job.

While clearing out a "catch all" drawer I found the shell casing.  I was a little concerned that I had lost it.  During my dad's funeral they had a 21 gun solute.  It was a neat thing that they did for veteran's.

Afterwards a first cousin of my dad's walked up and handed us four boys a shell casing from the firing of the guns. He was a part of the firing squad.  I was glad to find it laying in the very back of the drawer.  I took a photo of the casing along with my dad's belt buckle and one of his rings with a jade stone.  My dad did the cutting and polishing of the stones. He bought the Mexican crazy lace at a rock show along with the jade stone.

I will finish off blogging soon as I am so late in doing so.  This was an outside shot I took as the neighbor's jeep is about all the color out there to see.  I am sure Paul will be enjoy using his plow once the snow starts to fill up the streets and alley.

I should have the bottom part of our kitchen cupboards done today and then the next part will get my attention.  We have a grandson coming to Iowa on Friday so we are getting ready for that.  AJ will bring his parents along to help him get to all the planned activities.  He has traveled many places during his long life including out of the country but this will be his first trip to Iowa.  Needless to say we will be so glad to see our Illinois kids.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. First of all, I am so happy that AJ and parents are coming for a visit. I know it will be a wonderful time with special memories created!
    Oh yes, any project we start involves MANY trips back and forth to the store.
    Good that your neighbor has a way to clear the snow! Our newest neighbor has a bright red jeep with a Georgia Bulldogs tire cover on the back!
    Wishing you and your wife a nice, peaceful Thanksgiving day and a fun weekend with family. God bless.

  2. p.s. my mind is so goofy.....I forgot to say I am happy you found your dad's memorabilia in the back of the drawer. When we move, I often get frantic that I have misplaced some small item and then feel better when I find it. Maybe you could place these items in a special box for safekeeping.

  3. You are going to have a blast with AJ! Whatever are Barney and Button going to think?
    You are making progress on the kitchen! :)

  4. I know that feeling with DIY projects - always another trip back to the hardware store!
