Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday and Rest...........

Rose buds were rescued on Friday evening knowing that they would be frosted or frozen.  The responded to the vase of water and the warmer climate inside. The pink one is the rose that I rescued from my parents home in Osceola.  It has been through a few tough winters but I will mulch it heavily again this fall.  I was surprised that it had a bud on it and I worked next to it while working on the siding of the south side of the house.

We had less kids at our door on Friday than what we usually have.  We had a lot of invaders from other towns this year which seemed strange, maybe even greedy.  Our last batch of tricksters were very crude and were not from our town.  I was glad to just turn off the lights and shut the door and call it the end of that season for the year.

Yes it is an untreatable addiction.  I found two new violets that wanted to follow me home. I did get all my hardy geraniums in position for the winter. I keep them in a large window and I take the birds out of the window to keep them from getting chilled being near a window.  All seem happy now.  Both the plants and the birds seem to get along pretty well.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I wish you all well on this Sunday and hope it is a good day for you.


  1. Good Morning, These are lovely roses. We did not have any trick or treaters on our street. We are out in the middle of nowhere! What a sweet violet! You know I have violet envy! Glad the birds and the geraniums are happy. Our wind has calmed down today, thankfully.

  2. The roses in the vase look really nice. I had to work so I could not tell you if there any trick or treating going on in my neighborhood. I believe most kids go to the stores in the mall and main street in town.

  3. I think the cold kept our trick or treaters inside once it got dark. Our town has good places where they can go and trick or treat indoors safely. Just so the kids have fun. We always have candy for the ones in the neighborhood. Sorry you got some bad ones.
    Pretty flowers for you inside this winter.

  4. We got very few again this year as our neighborhood has change from mostly young families to retired folks. We along with it...:)

  5. We don't get trick-or-treaters at all, living at the end of a very dark gravel country road with a very long country drive-way, but I did buy a few bags of candy for our own candy bowls.

    As for African Violets, I collect them and anytime I discover a sweet little African violet calling my name I take her home too. Most of the violets I have adopted are thriving , even after many years of my neglect ! I often jest that my neglect is what helps them thrive. Anyway, they do thrive, and bloom and bloom, and bloom. I bet yours do too.

  6. oh the flowers in the vase so beautiful.That blue vase so picture's.

    We bought thos candies too but we never got any kids as we live way out.

    So hubby loves them . I do also.
