Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Stills..........

We, of course,  have many photos of our grandson from his visit to Iowa the last couple of days. He did a great job making his grandparents feel special.  The book he is enjoying here is the one we sent him a while back.  I remember blogging about the book and he is learning to count the birds from having it read to him.  He loves to have books read to him. Here he was looking it over all by himself.

Yesterday afternoon the large old guy was out hanging Christmas lights.  I had to do it as we were 53 degrees F.  I didn't want to do it then but weather determined it to happen then.  We dropped temps over night and it is to stay very cold for a couple of days.  When I do put out lights in the past, I tend to do it on the coldest day of the year.  I hung the strands of ice lights on the porch and I hate them.  I know hate sounds strong but they are a very bad design.  I keep reminding myself to never buy them anymore.

I kept hearing things from the front door and thought Barney was being excited looking out at me.  I didn't know my wife was documenting the event. You can see that it looks warm out there even with the snow on the ground.  After I wrapped the one batch of lights on the Austrian pine I got the shovel and removed the rest of the snow on the sidewalks.  I wanted to get it off before the hard freeze came back.  I will return today to the little tree as I need to add another strand of lights on that tree and will buy them today. It is 18 degrees F today and I will be wrapping them around that tree pretty quickly and come inside fast. I will need more than just a parka today.

We said good bye to our kids and grandson yesterday.  We had a great visit with them and it was nice to see how our AJ had grown.  His energy level is strong and he did like to play with us.  We read a lot of books and played with cars and blocks a lot.  He was a fun little guy who made his grandparents happy. He is talking really well now.  He pats three times on you chest and points to where he wants to go or pats three times on the floor to get you to sit beside him on the floor.

It is a really cold day out there today as the wind chills are very low. The temps are dropping more throughout the day.  We will make it out today for church and Sunday school with the Asian kids. A quick bite to eat and we will get home to stay warm.  I hope everyone is staying warm and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. AJ is a fine young fellow and is growing and learning fast. When we don't see the little ones often, it is heartwarming when they accept us readily. These are great photos. Glad AJ loves the book. Glad you got most of the lights up yesterday. Do be careful while you two are out this morning. Look forward to seeing you and your wife's beautiful Christmas decorations/collections.

  2. AJ is getting so tall! So good to hear that you had a good visit and reading and books at his age are just the best activity! Stay warm! Cold here too:(

  3. AJ has his parents read to him every day when he gets home from school. He usually pats on the floor for his dad to sit down to read or sometimes the couch. His favorite word once they are all read is a.....gin.
