Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday's Stuff.........

I had a brain drain and couldn't think of the name of this bird.  I thought I knew but after doing research I realize there are different kinds of starlings.  This one is called the common staling and references to the British Isles was mentioned as a place of origin.  They change in color, so this lighter colored bird really did confuse me.  I am use to seeing them in winter as being much darker brown and not many white spots.

He was a hungry bird and he was picking through the seeds scattering things onto the patio.  This made the juncos happy along with the sparrows.  They would zoom in and land abruptly under the feeder and start eating.

The sparrow is consistent in showing up whenever new seed is put out on the feeder floors. They tend to find the smaller stuff that larger birds are leaving for them.

As a part of my findings in the country school books that I am exploring I will share this shot of the insides of the one textbook.  It is a great design with all the different shapes of children in everyday life.  When you click the photo you can see the label more clearly.  The textbooks of a small country school which was considered the property of Clarke County, Iowa being placed in the Doyle township #4 school for their library.  I see on the label that this book was placed in the school in 1935.  The 9 schools around where we lived closed around 1955.  A classmate and step cousin of mine joined my class in the public school in 1956 as the school north of us 4 miles away closed down.   I had two cousins and many others who attended there and also joined the Murray Community School system.  I remember riding by that country school in my school bus thinking it strange that they were not getting on the bus with us.

It is Sunday and we are off to church and Sunday school. We got a stay on the cold front for one more day as it is stalled in southern Minnesota.  We will feel the pain soon enough.  Thanks for stopping by today


  1. We don't see this bird here it is a pleasing difference to the darker bird.
    We are to feel the pain of weather here as we live in the upper half of Arkansas.

  2. A wonderful shot of the starling! Such cheeky birds! So years we have them nesting here but we saw none this year.

  3. I have not seen a bird like that ever! Interesting! :)
