Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Middle of the Week.......

It takes a mess to organize the plants in one's life.  I needed to repot a lot of things and and I just did it all at one time.  I had the fluffy potting soil going everywhere and while trying to break up a clod of dirt in an older pot it scattered all over the counter.  That is why I just do it all at one time.  Clean up was not that bad but I dread the process.  I had new violets that needed to be put into real flower pots and I had the new spider plant that needed to go into a larger container.  The jade plant had been in its original small pot since I purchased it and it really did get large enough to fit into the black pot.

I haven't had a spider plant for a long time.  They sometimes get too big and get frozen off outside before they are brought into the house.  I will take better care of this one.  The plant came in a plastic container decorated with Halloween decoration designs.  Spiders and Halloween go hand in hand I guess. It was a low price and I can now watch it grow all winter in my inside garden.

The past few days were very cold and now we have yo yo temperatures. Nebraska is warm and we will warm up a little and then the Dakota air is suppose to swing in and make us cold again.  The weekend will seem like a heatwave as there is talk of above freezing temperatures.  We continue to have flurries off and on in spite of what the temps are reading.

Yesterday's downy did not have a red spot on its head but the one that shows up at the suet today does have red on it.  I have to take five or six photos to catch the red on the bird as it keeps dipping in and out of the suet.  I will share bird with red spot another time. I would have thought I would have a couple more kinds of woodpeckers at the suet by now but nothing yet. 

I am home again today and it is going to be good.  I have small things to do all day and they amount to a large project by the time the day is done.  Weather is not threatening and that is good and being outside to do things is ok but I don't have much to do.  I put up the fresh corn on the squirrels platforms and the feeder has been restocked.    I  hope everyone is doing well out there and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You must really look forward to those days off!

  2. The best stuff usually starts out messy.
    Glad you got those done. I'm hoping mine will all hang on until spring. Then, I need to really divide some stuff.

  3. I know your squirrels are happy with their corn! Happy to hear your temps will warm slightly. I always enjoy your photos of plants, birds and the yard. The spider plant is very pretty.
