Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday's Frivolities.........

We don't promote Santa Claus in our household but the story and character is a long tradition in this country.  We never buy Santa stuff but this one was more of a doll than just a decoration.  His outfit is too good not to enjoy.  I found him boxed with a Christmas angel last night in the basement. I think he took a break from being out last year but I see this year he was placed among my wife's dolls.  I have another picture that will be shared on my Photo a Day blog on another day.  That one shows the little dog he has on his shoulder that looks out at one through all his fur. 

I found a Bing Crosby doll in the basement too that was made as a Christmas decoration. It was a gift to me from in-laws and he sang Christmas songs and moved his bottom jaw.  His music box doesn't work so he never makes it upstairs anymore.

My wife's bear tree has a santa bear on it him having a  quirky expression on his face. Some of her bears play music but not this one.

Another train shot to share that I took while placing the cars around the tree.

I have Friday off from school today and that is good.  I have a lot of must do things to get done.  This cactus keeps impressing me with its ability to bounce back from a bad transfer to the new pot.  It messed it up for almost a year and a half and now it looks normal again.  The leaves are filling out the space in the pot as it originally had half of the plant die.  By next year the plant should fill in the whole pot again and I won't move it to any other container for sure.

We had a good meal out last night with my wife's friend in Des Moines.  Took her to Hobby Lobby afterwards and it was fun to see all the stuff they are selling for Christmas. It does go up in July for sale but they were still stocking new things as a lot had already been sold.  My wife's friend Shari doesn't make it to that store much as it isn't on a bus route so she was having a wonderful time. Thanks for stopping by today. I wish you all a good day.


  1. Hi Larry, I had not seen the singing Bing Crosby doll but just googled it. Got to see one on youtube in action and saw many for sale on ebay. That is a treasure.
    I love your Christmas cactus too.
    I enjoy Hobby Lobby but we don't have one closeby. Glad you guys had a nice night out.

  2. Funny how we collect Christmas decorations that end up not being displayed but still taken out, looked at, and remembered !

    Your Christmas cactus blossoms beautifully.

  3. I like Hobby Lobby too! Your Christmas Cactus is blooming right in time:)
