Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Middle of the Week............

The chickadees are the only ones who like this sack of seed.  It is going to warm up today and I am going to move it to a new area away from our dinning room window.  I think it would be more encouraging for the birds to have it hanging in a bush out in the back yard. 

After blogging about this bowl Far Side found it on sale on ebay.  It is a  powder dish and it did originally have a lid.  

I see on the internet that there were different designs on the lids.  I borrowed a photo from the net. The lids themselves remind me of the lids that I have on my metal cans of old.  I was glad that Far Side found it as I then found two more glass pieces on the net that I have and have forgotten about. You will see them someday.  Both of those pieces were described as powder containers also.  I found out that the art deco period was a happening during the 20's and 30's and that it was more popular in Europe than here in the United States.  It is a design style that was copied a lot then later in the years.  I believe it is a part of Miami that was built in the deco style and the hamburger diners and railroad streamliner cars were influenced by the style.

Barney gets bored with me when I sit and blog.  He drops to the floor making a loud sound and enjoys the coolness of the oak floor in the dining room.  He was all stretched out earlier until I got the camera so he moved his head to the side instead. He is 11 years old now and is a lot less active.  We have to encourage him to go out sometimes or he would sleep inside where it is safe.  He likes the cold weather and snow but the scary wind keeps him inside a lot.

AJ called last night to say hello, now that he has faces connected to our names.  He thanked gamma for the chocolate cake, cup cakes, as he discovered that he likes cake.  He was hungry as his dad had just brought him home from daycare so he was first asking grandma,  gamma......milk.  He also said it to me thinking we would come out of the phone and go fill his sippy cup.  At that age you wonder what is really going on in their thoughts.  Dad, our son, was going to fix supper once we got off the line.

No work today so we are going to get out of the house and go to the big city.  We will be around 34 degrees F by noon and it will be nice to not be frozen with our every move.  We are talking trees now so one of the smaller ones will be put together this afternoon or evening.   Thank you all for stopping by my posting today.


  1. I am like Barney , I don't like all this high wind we are having.
    Nice to know about your powder container.

  2. Maybe someday you will see a lid at a garage sale!
    Chance doesn't like the wind either. Nice to see a photo of Barney!
    Chocolate favorite too...AJ has good taste! :)
