Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year Eve's day.............

Looking out the bird's and fish room window on Christmas day, this is what we saw. It is a great sunrise but I need to buy the house and live in it across the street so I can see it unhindered.  The photo was lost on my wife's Cannon and I took pictures on my new little camera all day so didn't know where the photo had gone.

Looking out now one sees brown and grey and not much sun.  It did become sunny later this morning.  The oxalis are like having little palm trees in the house when you look through them to see outside.

The excitement in my bird world is the seeing of a hairy woodpecker at the feeder.  I didn't know what I was seeing but I was glad to get pictures to study it.  I thought it was way too large for a downy.  The masked face gave it away when I looked it up in the book.The downy has a mask but it is different.  It may be the first for me but I could have casually looked out and not known that it was a hairy woodpecker and not a downy.

This shot of a junco and a downy shows the size difference as well as the red bar on the back of its head.  The hairy woodpecker has two brush strokes of red on its head one on each side. The size and the dashes of red on the head are the major differences.

Losing my mind is getting to be hard,  but if I don't know about it, I won't care.  My wife will have to deal with it.  The blue pitcher and also creamer on the other window side of the window sill came out of the pile of things in the storage room.  I now remember them being in the cabinet at my mom's.  Some one must have given them to her in her later years as I do remember all the stuff she had while I was growing up.  I now remember seeing the two of them in that cabinet and thinking they reminded me of the Shirley Temple blue mugs that had her picture printed on them. I was so sure at first that they came from my wife's side of the family.

Well I need to close this down.  I am somewhat sluggish today with the flu shot but I am not too bad.  Others mock me and say the shot never bothers them but I know when I have had the shot and my muscles do tell me so.

We have a few plans for this afternoon but we will be off the road by supper time. Home is a good place to be as we fly into the next year.  We are scrambling to find the calendars that were given to us so we can get them up by tomorrow.  Our free one from the vet this year was a small one so we will not make that our major calendar.  A Norman Rockwell will be the featured one this  year if no other one comes along. 

Finishing off the year and it seems we just started it.  I go through the year's worth of photos and a lot of them are just the same.  Lots of them are really different as each year we have new things happening.  I hope all of you have plans to mark the new year's coming and wish you all well.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family !

  2. That is a nice sunset in the picture. It is nice to see the birds are out but I hope that are staying warm.

  3. Happy New Year! I always look at the woodpeckers bill. For me that is the clue, Downys have a short bill and Hairys have a long bill. the hairy is a bit larger than the Downy. Only the males have red markings...leave it to the males to look all fancy! :)
