Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Middle of the Week........

The bucket boy is not liking all the snow.  His bucket is buried and his snow on the head probably is irritating. I was out in the afternoon shoveling walks and taking photos.  By the time that I had completed the shoveling the temps dropped on me and I was frozen clear through.  I hate it when it is so cold that blue jean denim freezes while you are wearing it.

I shoveled out a path to get to the back yard and also in front of the gate.  If the snow gets to be too heavy the back gate can't swing open. The yew bush collected a lot of the snow and only parts of it was weighted down from it.

This is the part of the sidewalk that seemed to make people concerned.  My wife was upset that I did it all in one fell swoop.  The neighbor drove by and scolded me and said he would catch it with his snow blower.  I was just innocently shoveling my walks. I went ahead and did a part of the other neighbors walk as I though it to be rude to just stop at the property line.

My new camera has a loop that keeps getting into the photo as you can see.  I like to have it as the camera is thin and light weight and it is better to loop my hand through it to pick it up.  I should eventually get use to putting the loop around my hand as I take a shot.

The tree outside with the plastic ornaments now looks better.  I guess it needed snow to make it tie all those dots together.  It would look good with white lights but it is too big of a tree for me to do that.

I had a crew of high school guys and a couple of adults down to the farm helping clean out the barn.  I didn't know how it was going to get done but I had my old wheel barrow already on site.  My gut feeling was to go get another one.  So in December right before Christmas I went to Ace Hardware and yes they have them for sale.  It had to be assembled and I and a young boy helped me do it,  but it was needed.  My old one broke apart because of its old age and heavy use. Someone who had borrowed it in the past and put concrete in it. They caused a lot of damage.  When the old one collapsed the new one did a great job for the task at hand. Right now it is holding a lot of snow for me.  It actually is a heavy resin, plastic, which makes it lighter weighted. I really like it better than than the metal one that I had.  I will toss the big old wooden one this spring.

 The female cardinal likes eating from a paper plate.  It was a quick and easy way to get the seed out there and not have to clear any snow. It was very busy out at the feeders yesterday and today it seems slow.  It may be too cold for them today. Tthe sun is shining so maybe they will come in by noon.

So much seed and so little time to eat it.  The cardinal is looking for sunflower seeds and the sparrows don't really care fot them. This was yesterday's shot.

Staying warm inside and shut off to the outside world.  I doubt I will even try to get uptown to get the mail.  The high temperature today is to be a -2 and up to 0 degrees F. We are a -7.9 right now. The light breeze cuts the cold through all the layers of coats.  A warm up to 16 F. tomorrow will be like a heat way.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It's -21C here (-6F) and I've taken to wearing lined work pants when I'm outside, sometimes with wind cheaters overtop! And those big leather moose hide mitts.

  2. Very jealous of those beautiful Cardinal Shots...your new camera is taking so great photos:)
