Friday, January 30, 2015

Mixture of Things..........

The birch and the silver maple branchesput out a great line design almost covering the cold winter sky.

The gang of 4 Eurasian Ringed Necks were at the feeder again yesterday.  I don't have ground corn but the millet must be of interest to them.  It is neat to see them fly up  and away at the same time which they seem to do each time they visit. They resemble the pigeons as they fly around in flocks.  I do know that when the nesting season starts that they scatter out in pairs. 

My thistle seed sock is almost empty.  I have not had success with any other kind of feeder but this one works well.  Juncos, chickadees, finches and the one titmouse enjoy the seed.  The seed scatters below as they pull seed through the webbing.

Yep, I declare being retired and I still have been teaching half days most of the week.  I think I should come out of retirement so I can quit teaching.  I don't have any more assignments now at this time. I hope to keep it that way. I am in the business room this morning and I have the rest of the day off.  We turned cold yesterday and the wind does seem to keep blowing.  Eventually it will blow in some snow.  I know a lot of you have snow yet and we will join you soon with white stuff on the ground.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The Titmouse like Thistle seed too! Well congrats on the retirement...hope it happens for you this time:)
