Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday and Wide Awake.......

We are seeing sunshine and it looks really great.  I haven't become too warm yet so it is a welcomed sight.  I shared a similar shot of the garden shed on one of my posts but this one shows the glare that was happening a few days ago. The cupola is one more thing on my list to be repaired.  In this case the thing will probably have to be totally replaced as I used cheap wood on it when I made it back when the shed was first built. 

When I discovered I was throwing away photos because I couldn't see them clearly on iphoto and on the screen of the laptop, I discovered this number.  I edited this photo a little by lightening it and discovered the bird is in midair.  I don't know if he is coming or going but he is in suspension for sure. I can see one claw is hooked on the one horizontal board so he may be just coming into the feeder.  I am glad I noticed that I needed to get back onto my older computer with the better editing program.

My new camera takes blue photos when I set it up incorrectly.  I had this set on macro apparently while taking the outside shot.  I edited out some blue but now it looks a little lavender.  I have shared the shadow box before that hangs on the fence with the two ceramic houses sitting inside. I removed one of the houses during the summe that was with them and it sits below on a rock next to a rosebush. That snow is now gone with a few little drifts hiding in the shade. I do notice right away when I am taking blue photos so I do get a chance to make the correction.

Another shot of one of the bluebirds that visited the feeder last week. I really had to pay attention to be able to see that bird in the picture as he does blend in with house.  The bird house is overdue for a remodel and repair job. 

While going through the toy cupboard I saw that I have my small car collection piled inside without any organization.  I think I will get some boxes to sort them and place them in there with some better conditions.  I really don't know why I have the two Cadillacs. My grey cells dig up the experience when we were in Kansas City in a mall where they sell everything about cars.  I am thinking that they were on a 2 for 5 bucks sale which meant it would be foolish not to buy just one of them.  I guess it is a his and her set of cars in my collection.  When I was a kid I remember seeing those tail fins on the back fenders of cars.  Our neighbor to the north had a plymouth car with the fancy tail fins on it, making it look like a bird or spaceship.   The car was a salmon pink color which was popular by car manufacturers back then.  I remember a John Horton who had a two door hard top Ford Fairlane, 1957.  in which  they dove taking their trips out west to see they grown kids. 

Fake berries on a fake wreath seems to brighten up my blog today.  I still have one pinecone wreathe hanging on the front door.  It is not so seasonal looking that I can leave it there for a while longer.

I was awakened this morning at 5:47  to come to work today.  I accepted it regardless as to how asleep that I still was at the time.  I set the alarm for 6:15 in case I didn't wake back up to go in to school today.  I didn't go back to sleep but anyway, here I am sitting in a high school math classroom.

 The teacher's daughter is ill and has been for a few days.  Our grandson in Illinois picked up a stomach flu from somewhere out there in the crowd.  We have not checked in on him today but will this evening.  It is a scary time for parents of young children and I guess for older people like me too. 

I hope everyone has a good day and thank you for hanging around my place today.

1 comment:

  1. You had sun! I am jealous we were overcast and dreary all day long...but warmer than normal! I hope AJ is getting over the bout with the flu:)
