Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sleek in Design......

The chickadee colorings would make a great design on a jet airliner.  They are so streamlined in appearance.  I don't quit know why this one was standing still for me but I guess it was watching all the activity that was going on at the other feeder.

This old bird feeder is not of a great design but all birds seem to really like it.  This blurry shot of the sparrows show how much they like it.  The cardinals seem to like it as well as the nuthatch birds.  Of course the squirrels really enjoy eating out of the tray and when I put shelled corn in it they do hang around for a while.  This morning a squirrel was pulling one kernel at a time out of the tray and then would crawl up on top of it to eat it.

I have been getting some really poor shots of the birds during the gray days but  this morning the sun gave me a chance to get some great shots. The female cardinal feathers has a reflective quality to them and the sun seemed to make her more colorful than she really was.

It is a rainy and snowy kind of day.  Our ground is wet but the snow isn't coming down yet. I see a lot of my blogger friends are having snow.  We will start a cooling trend again and should be below freezing again this week.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. The cardinal is so pretty. I can just imagine the squirrel sitting on top of the feeder to enjoy his treat! We have sun but is it 23 this a.m.

  2. Such a pretty Cardinal, I just notice AJ swinging off to the left ...what fun! :)

  3. I agree with your comment about the chickadee, Larry. And, I find that although the red male cardinal seems to get more photo coverage, the female has mich more variation.
