Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Belly High on a Border Collie........

It is hard to measure the height of the snow fall as we had wind and it is drifted in the backyard area. Belly high on Barney means it is at least 10 inches but I know their are deeper drifts that he won't go through.  He has made his own paths around in the back area so much that I use them to get to the bird feeder.

Sampling the snow for coldness and texture is important while he is out there. He likes this new corner of fencing as he can see long distances up the street going North. I brushed him on one side this morning and he immediately went out and rolled around in the snow.  I brush a side at a time as he thinks it is to confining to have me make him set still.

The yew shrub is over loaded with snow. Most bushes are being brought down to the ground in our neighborhood.  The burning bushes are laying on the ground and they look damaged.  They aren't though as they do straighten up once it starts to warm up.

The birds have really been dependent on the feeders the past 5 days.  I fill them twice daily so the squirrels won't come out and clear the shelves.   The larger supply for two or three days makes them be pigs.  I see that the squirrels don't like to wade around in the snow so I haven't seem much of them the past two days.

The female cardinal is down in a drift area picking up seed that has been scattered from the above table. I see we have one less female compared to the males out there so some male is going to have to venture off into another territory to find a mate in early spring.

 I call them a platter but they are actually a plate used in the old cafes in Iowa.  They could put the mashed potatoes on one end with gravy and the roast beef or chicken on the other end.  If it seemed too crowded on the plate, they would fill a bowl with the green beans or corn.  It sat on the table next to it and if the cook didn't spread stuff too much they would sit it right on the platter in the middle.  One of these platters was from a Murray Cafe that my grandmother worked at.  I guess she stole it.  The other plate that I have I bought at a yard sale. They are heavy weighted and the food does all run to the middle on them.  I suppose they didn't have to worry about the dish washing person breaking them either in their wash tubs.

Closing down for now as we all hit the middle of the week.  I have to cut a mat for one of my wife's pastel drawings and it gets mailed out to somewhere in New York. It should be a good day and I wish all of you to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good to see Barney out in the snow! Your snow is real pretty:)

  2. Does Barney eat the bird seed on the ground ?

    Cardinals are so beautiful, wish we got them here.
