Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Morning......

I had moved my plantings of hardy geraniums into the bird room as they were not blooming and blocking my view of the lower birds at a feeder.  To spite me they started budding and blooming again in the bird's room.  The screen makes an interesting grid background as well as gives a special effects view of the neighbor's house. The light is coming  from the right as it is late in the day so the white blooms are not so showy in shade.

At the other end of the planter another plant is blooming.  It is warmer in this room as I keep a special heater in there to keep my tropical birds from getting any chill night or day.

Out the east window this geranium was tangled in the blinds, actually had sprouted through the blind slats.  I decided to ahead and just raise the blind completely out of the was so the rest of the geraniums won't do that. The back lighting on these again doesn't help me get a great photo.  I will try that again sometime trying to get some artificial light to help me out.

My snow rock is clear and dry but as you can see we still have piles of it on the ground. It is promising to be very cold again on Wednesday.  I know a lot you out there are really suffering from the cold.  I know myself that the promise of spring coming does not warm me up when the outside is so cold and the house struggles to stay warm.  I hope all can stay safe and we can weather through this one more time.   Thanks for stopping by today.

I really like these birds. They look serious all of the time.


  1. Brutal wind chills here too. Stay warm and keep feeding the birds, our are very hungry and are at the feeders all day long:)

  2. They do look serious or as if dressed for a formal event.
