Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Snowday..........

We did get our predicted snow last night.  In fact it is still snowing and the wind is going to turn the 10 inches into a blizzard.  I knew we were not through with winter and here is the proof.

 The first view that I see at the top of the stairs in the morning is this one showing everything coated with snow. The foreground is the roof of the house and I can estimate how much snow we have by seeing what has piled up here.  We have 10 inches right now and it is suppose to keep snowing. The wind is picking up and it will create blizzard conditions.  We are snowed in today and I bet tomorrow we will also stay inside. Our temperatures are to drop to -1 degree F. tonight from a now 29 degrees F. 

The birds are looking for food and you can see their feet prints in the edge of the snow on the feeder.  I went out right after breakfast and cleared a lot of the snow.  I put seed a couple of old cafeware plates and laid them on top of everything.

You can see in the photo that the birds were really happy about that.  I will have to refill things again this afternoon.

One of the first birds in at the feeder was this bluejay, standing in shadow.  He flies in quickly and every bird scatters.

Once the bluejay took off I had a crowd at the feeder. It doesn't look like I did a very good job of clearing the feeder but I was using my bare hand to do it.  It got too cold to finish the job.

There were two males cardinals out there but the one was a smaller one.  The larger guy here tried to keep him away as I suppose territorial rights are already beginning.  It is nice to see a new young male had survived the summer.

The downy woodpeckers were in and out at the suet before I was out to clear any snow. You can see a portion of some bird at the back suet feeder. 

I took a lot of photos of the female cardinal as I used the new camera to take these shots. It is harder to get shots through the window with the new one but I did discover that I can do it.  You can see the snow flying in the air as the bird is getting seed from off of the webbing of a lawn chair.

The seed landing in the snow on the patio seemed good for all of the birds and the cardinal decided to join in with them.  I took many photos inside and outside today and had to just not share everything.  I see new shots that I need to take and haven't yet. 

Being snowed in makes it a good day as resting and relaxing will be on the agenda.  I am not a football fan so I doubt that will be happening around on our set.  I am a football fanatic when I tune into the last two minutes of a game and I watch the teams frantically scramble to win a game. All the time before that I just don't care to see.  We bought a new movie a few days ago and will probably be watching that once or twice today.  I hope all of you are staying safe out there.  It really is a normal winter and we will just have to persevere.  Thank you stopping by today.  Stay warm.


  1. I know the birds are thankful for you braving the storm to feed them. Praying for you guys to stay safe thru this storm. I am not a football fan either but I stroll into the room those last few minutes, also! I imagine there will be a LOT of pizzas delivered in our area today as folks gather around the tv!


  3. You got winter! Your snow looks real pretty! ENJOY!! :)

  4. The birds seem happy in your yard. I am still waiting for the snow here. But March is not here yet.
