Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In the Middle........

Things seem still to look pretty much dead out there.  There is a slight green showing through on the yard.  It is greener on the other side of the house. 

The schefflera  sits in a lower light below the window and seems to be doing well there.  I think this is the one I blogged a couple of years ago when I bought it for a couple of bucks.  It was planted in a decorated paper cup and spent a few months in that cup until I freed it to grow out into a bigger pot.

Picasa did its magic again when I downloaded this photo.  Why they wanted to put it into a black and white format I don't understand but they did.  We are having a gloomy dark day today and maybe they wanted me to share it to express how it looks outside today. 

The color photo looks like this and I shared it on my Photo a Day blog today.  I had a hard time keeping the oxalis' soil moist all winter but when the spring light began the plant immediately put out buds and blooms.

Even though it is such a gloomy day I think we will still venture out to run some errands. I have a few things around the house to get done.  I will wait for the mood to see what I actually do accomplish.  I need to get the birds back into the windows so they can see out better.  They are not in a bad position but I know they like a clearer and closer view to what is going on outside.  That is a clue of some of what I have on my list. Thank you for your visit today.

1 comment:

  1. It snowed here during the green here, so your green is appreciated! :)
