Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday with Heat.......

The statue has been rescued from the ground and is temporarily sitting on a rock foundation.  He may get to stay there if I can keep the shrub pruned back.

A photo of the past shows that the snowplows attacked the blue guy with a huge snow pile at the corner of my property.

As the snow receded the guy was left on his back. The milk strainer is an antique that I plant flowers inside during the summer.  Right now it looks like I have junk in the yard.

I was thinking I would start repotting the tomatoes into bigger containers.  I will plant that long stem down into the soil to give it more places to root.  I will wait to see if I think it is risky as the third leaf hasn't started to develop yet.  I guess I am fishing for people to tell me what they think about it.  I probably won't replant them all in one setting.  I can do a variety per day to help keep them from getting mixed up.  My new pace is to do things a lot slower but keep doing things.

It is spring break and we are going to use the days off to do things.  We have different people who have already made requests of our time.  Today, Tuesday and Friday is booked for meeting people.  Wednesday and Thursday will be ours if we don't answer the phone.  I am having a slow Monday and don't think going to Boone for KFC and the Wally Mart will be too tough of an activity.  The neighbor lady gets our first day. 

We are going to be hot today.  The temps are going to reach the low 80's today.  It may get hot but the plants out there are not in a spring mode yet.  I guess it is our second spring thaw.  The air yesterday was cold even though we were in the 70's.  We will bounce back down to cool again tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sounds like you are going in to summer with 80's You could have a short spring.

  2. Keep doing something and it will all happen. Your poor statue. Hot here today too. Cool front coming and hopefully some rain.

  3. I like that...... "My new pace is to do things a lot slower but keep doing things." That could be an over-50 mantra, I think. Fits me anyway, and beats the pants off of quitting altogether !

  4. We are 40 degrees cooler today than yesterday! Kind of a shock.
    Well okay here is the seedling lecture. The first two leaves are called seed leaves. You should transplant when you have 3 to 4 true leaves. Counting the seed leaves that is 5-6 leaves all together. That is just the general rule...some plants get too big of root system with two true leaves...such as Zinnias and Larger Marigolds. I would wait on the tomato transplant until they have at least two true leaves and then I would sink them in the soil just below those leaves. Those seed leaves usually turn yellow and fall off anyway. END of seedling lecture! Either way they will be tomatoes! Hope you enjoyed your day off:)

  5. I got what I wanted Far Side and I didn't have to beg. I appreciated hearing from your expertise. I was about to repot and thought oh that could be a very big mistake. It is evening here at 8:00 and the temps have dropped to 60 already from 84. It is a coming. Thanks again.

  6. 80 degrees eh! It did hit the high 40s here today.
