Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Second Day of Spring.........

For a while, two starlings were sitting on this old pipe, looking around at things.  They would fly to the big birdhouse and then back again.  The pipe is the remaining part of a very old clothes line.  To dig it out and to take it away will require a lot of work on my part.  I have always thought I would build some bird feeder to sit on top of it.  Sparrows like putting nests in either end of it even though it looks dangerous.

Back to the story of the two starlings hanging out on the pole.  There is already a sparrow starting a nest in the one end of the pipe even though I saw one of the starlings checking it out.  The hole is too small for them to nest in there and I really don't know what it was thinking. Eventually the two of them eded up on the big birdhouse. There was squawking going on and some fluttering of wings.

They darted in and out of holes and I will be interested to see if they will pick a place.  The rent will be cheap and they are close to water.  I intended the group of houses to be a marlin house but it doesn't have enough spaces for that kind of bird. People in town do have marlin houses and I  would like to have one.I never got it remodeled and I had intended to cut smaller holes in wood and and them to the front of the large holes.

One of the American robins was out checking things out in the backyard.  I think there were three out there at one time.  I will be anxious to see where they will nest this year.  I still have the step ladder hanging sideways at the garden shed. I will be watching to see if they start a new nest there.

I have a new bud on the cactus that is back into the window.  I see I have a nice blade of grass growing next to it. There were two buds but I think one of them just shriveled up and went away.

I went to a coffee, class reunion, kind of thing yesterday.  My cousin is back from Arizona and the group from the class of 1968 wanted to get together to see him.  He rarely makes it back for reunions so 12 of use showed up at the community center in Murray, Iowa.  We also have on member of our class that is battling cancer and it was good to see him. I will post a picture of main street on a later blog and share a little bit about the get together.  I did tell you it was going to look like a lot of old people getting together.

We are hanging around the house today.  I might get some outside work done today even though it isn't going to warm up more than 60 degrees.  It is sunny and that does help when I am out there doing things.  I wish you all a very good day.  Thanks for coming by today.


  1. Glad you had a good time with the old people. I know when we meet up with people that we went to school with we say boy they didn't age well and look so old, we don't look that old (are do we)?

  2. It's a flurry of activity at your place Larry !
    My husband made a few sweet bird houses last year, but no takers....the birds chose the old leaky ones ....
    Love the bud on the cactus, I'm believing it truly is Spring.
    Have yourself a wonderful Spring day :)

  3. Sometimes if the temperature changes too much or if they are really dry you will get bud drop. Hope you get some blooms. Cold here today barely 30 F Chance and I sat outside and played ball anyway. You have a robin....very nice:)

  4. The reunion sounds like fun. I'm thankful you are warming up some. Wishing you two a blessed Sunday.

  5. The birds around our homes are so fascinating, aren't they ? My husband & I spend our weekend mornings sitting on our front porch and watching the many birds at our feeders. So much fun and drama , all for the price of a big bag of sunflower seeds to add to our feeders, plus the sugar water I make for the hummingbird feeders.

    Robins are so under-appreciated in this country, don't you think ?

  6. Always nice to have some birds nesting nearby. Starlings are back here, but in think they must be shivering this morning at -19!
