Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Wet Weekend.......

It is a rainy weekend with lots of clouds and lost of sprinkles.  We need rain and we will take anything we can get. Saturday afternoon we had a hard torrential rain coming from the east which should have had significant measurement in the total amounts.  The rains are cleaning up a lot of winter dirt and it is greening up everything.  The trees are filling in with leaves now and it is great to see.

We will be off this morning to teach Sunday school and have a light lunch before coming home.  I am going to give away some of my tomato plant starts today to a friend at church so he can babysit them instead of me. I don't think they are big enough to plant and I think it is too early but my neighbor across the way thinks it is time.  I will give her some this afternoon to give her a start and then make her wait a few more days for the smaller ones to get bigger.  Planting garden seems early when we could freeze again for the next two weeks or so.  I don't think our ground has warmed up enough and high winds are tough on new plants that haven't become established in the ground.

Everyone have a good day today.  Thanks for cruising through today.


  1. Take care driving on the wet roads today. Is Sunday when you have lunch at the sandwich shop? John tells me GA has never had frost after Apr. 17. Best wishes with your tomato plants.

  2. May 15th is our safe date to know there won't be any freezing. I see we will be down in the upper 30's this week.

  3. No tulips in bloom here yet, and we don't plant tomatoes until June 1st!

  4. Our flowers are loving all this rain. To wet to plant a garden here so far.

  5. Wet here today too. Not as moisture as we were hoping for but glad we did not get the severe weather some in our state did. Have a good Sunday!
