Friday, April 10, 2015

Freaky Friday.......

In the afternoon the birds started hitting my feeder area. This cardinal was more interested in the seed pods that had fallen from the trees. Maybe there were insects among the debris.

There was a female also darting around among the flower beds looking for things to eat. They both seemed to be really earnest in finding food.

The male came up to the area right below my window.  He was putting on quit a show. They did come back later to feed from the top of the tray feeders but during the day they stayed on the ground.

The two doves also were out there at the same time.  The larger birds outnumbered the sparrows at that time.  I see that I didn't correct the slant on this photo but my camera at the time was doing things to me that I wasn't expecting.  I must have been hitting stray buttons with my leftover fingers. I could take a photo and wait 10 seconds so I could take the next photo.  My wife had to get out the manual and correct my fumbling with her camera.

 I was called in late today to be a special education associate today.  The kids I work with are such great kids and it is Friday.  That means they can not call me up to work tomorrow. We had snow falling from the sky heavily for about an hour last night.  It is Iowa spring and we still could have an ice storm yet for the next few weeks.  Some years the tulips are ruined from this kind of weather.  I hope everyone is safe now from all the rain, tornadoes and even snow.  We are to warm up today and be almost normal in temperature.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love the Doves little pink feet.
    Hoping you have a great and warm week-end.

  2. We are seeing a lot of Cardinal activity, too. We've had a lot of rain today but nothing dangerous. I wish you two a restful weekend.

  3. Love the Cardinals, so good to see that someone enjoys them! We had a bit of snow too but it melted in the sun:)

  4. Sigh..., I wish we had cardinals in this part of the U.S. They are so bright & beautiful.

    Don't you love to hear the cooing of doves when you're outdoors ? so peaceful.
