Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday's Sharing........

The foliage of the phlox could almost be confused for a weed.  Once the buds form it doesn't take long for it to bloom.

I have various colors showing now with none of them fully opened.  I see a caught a couple of insects on the blooms while shooting the photo.

It is an artsy shot with a half of a bloom above and a new bud just now developing.  It was an accidental shot as I had a butterfly on the coneflower bloom but I missed it because them mosquitoes where nailing me with bites.

The oxalis seems to like our hot, humid weather.  It looks a little weathered from the rain beating down on it.

On one of the blogs that I follow a gentlemen called this variety "false sunflower."  I can see that but really had never heard of it before.  I took the shot to show how well this particular daylily is doing.  It still has a lot of buds to open.

I bragged about how this flower was following the sun.  Now that it is in full bloom it doesn't seem to be moving.  What is with that? It faces the house and it is difficult now to photograph.

Sunday will be the same routine for us today.  It is not suppose to be as hot today and the humidity will be a lot lower. We will be about 86 degrees.  Thank you for your stopping by today.


  1. I imagine the phlox has a sweet fragrance. Wow, those "sunflower" daylilies are gorgeous. That's frustrating about the mosquitoes being so bad in your area.

    We had a thunderstorm late last night. This a.m. it is foggy with NO breeze stirring and so humid.

  2. Beautiful blooms, love the back view of the sunflower! :)

  3. Your flower shots are so summery, Larry. I'm enjoying them in our cold wet summer. 15 degrees C is our norm during the day at at the moment it's pouring rain. I love phlox - a great garden stalwart.
