Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday's Things to Share.......

On Monday we met the kids at their hotel to have breakfast.  AJ loves breakfast and sits quietly as he devours his fruit and waffle. We spent the morning with them before they took off to return to the Chicago area.

AJ's great grandfather was a farmer but both AJ and his dad, Andy, will never be able to experience or see that farm or all his tractors.  His dad only knew my father as a carpenter and professional retired city person. 

AJ does have a fascination with tractors and his barn set is enjoyable to him.  He would not know how to put animals in corals and move cows back and forth to the barn for milking.  I shared with the family that my metal barn set didn't have enough fencing parts for me so I used clothes pins to make my own large fence area for my animals.  AJ's farm set is from a garage sale and it is really a great looking toy.

For some reason I spaced off the work of editing these photos and they were downloaded without any fixing.  Here is a better shot of the barn.  As with all hotel rooms the glare of the light from the window messed with my photos. I had two different days of photo shooting and it took most of the evening last night to catch up on some of the editing and doing yesterday's blog. Our son sent us a large load of shots that I have yet to view and or borrow for my storage file. I will rest up a little before I even open up his file.

While we visited the kids on Monday morning we received a big rain at home.  Everything needed to be watered and it saved me from having to do that.  I know it was a hard downpour as the flowers look like they have been beaten down from the storm. 

The photo at left was taken before that.  I do have a couple of planters that don't have drain holes which mean I have to find a way to lean them to the side a bit to get some of the excess drained out of the pots. Rains north of us were really heavy cause flooding is some smaller towns who rarely have flooding.The old can that I have morning glories planted in was operated on with a long handled screw driver and a hammer.  I pound drain holes while it was planted.

I have many photos that were taken from the past two days.  I will share a few more on many different days so as not to saturate my blogs with only one theme.  My son carries AJ on his back or shoulders a lot so I have lots of photos of that.  My wife and I both are aching with sore muscles from picking up the little guy.  He is not fat but sturdy so he is almost at the stage where the grandparents will not be picking him up.  I held him a lot on Sunday but had to brace myself to keep him in my arms.  He could be a  squirrel  once in a while when I was holding him so I had to be smarter than a two year old.  I foresaw trouble and would deter some leaning backwards and squirming like a monkey.  We really did enjoy see him and rebonding with him.

We are headed off for some craft supplies this morning and check out the iHop 75 years anniversary.  It is 75 cents, short stack today, and we will go snack on those during our visit in town.  It is too wet to work outside and our air quality remains bad. We do have a little clear view of sunshine this morning but they say it is deceiving.  Last night when I was walking Barney the air was so saturated with smoke and chemical things that it looked more like a heavy fog than what it really was. We kept the house closed up and ran the air to keep it out of the house. 

It is Tuesday and I hope all are well.  Thank you for stopping in today and do stay safe. 


  1. What a good photo of Andy and AJ! What fun for you to visit with them! Up here they are telling people to wear masks when it is smokey...we are fine today so I am going out to mow now because I hear the rest of the week will not be good. I hope they get those fires under control soon. OUr local IHop is 90 miles away:)

  2. I know you both enjoyed the time so much!

  3. Larry,

    Isn't it fabulous to spend that HOTEL time with the little ones? We had two who asked constantly to "go visit at that hotel where they live." We've spent many an hour meeting halfway, swapping chillun for the night, and sparkling a Dr. Pepper over ice in four glasses at midnight, when all else are asleep.

    What a bright, handsome pair your guys are!


  4. Great photo of your son with AJ. I have only seen Ella, who is a few weeks older than AJ, one time in person. From her photos, I note she is much shorter than your AJ and most of her friends. I guess she is on the small size compared to most.

    That farm set looks like the perfect toy for AJ. I see a few farm animals there on the floor. So cute!

    Very happy that you two could share this time with your grandson. Looks like he has a great appetite! I appreciate you and his parents for sharing the photos.
