Monday, August 24, 2015

Its First Bloom........

It is August 24th and I finally got one of the morning glory vines to put out a bloom.  We have just had a strange summer.  Lots of rain, lots of breaks to dry out and slow starts on all seeds planted.  I do know that the morning glories can bloom until late fall but it has been so long for the plant to get started.

The phlox is in decline so much that I will be able to trim them down early this year.  The plants were so tall and healthy that I will not dare leave them standing through the winter. It would be a huge mess in the spring to clean up. I liked this shot of the plant in front of the step ladder,  It made for an interesting background.

Some of the pears are falling because of the wind.  I brought one inside to watch and see how long it takes it to ripen.  It is hard as a rock right now but with pears they can ripen so quickly and then start to deteriorate just as fast.  I have mentioned many times that there are lots of pears on the tree this year.

I really like seeing this bright spot of red across the street.  The driver is originally from New Zealand and is a very good guy.  Some people are getting nervous about him parking there but it doesn't bother me. I sits one or two days and then it is gone for days. He explained to the city council that his weight per tire was less than the big four wheel trucks that are on the road daily.  I hope they will just leave him alone as he is not damaging any asphalt with that truck. The truck comes and goes without our notice unless we happen to look out and see the red cab going by the house.

The fallen coneflowers are blooming among the rhubarb and tomato branches. It looked like a good shot as I looked down to see how the rhubarb was doing.

We are planning to have a low key day today.  I could do a number of things but I am not going to jump at anything for now.  I think that I have three more days that I can do all the projects in.  Our Wednesday is a medical day for my wife's friend.  I hope all are well this Monday and I hope it is a good day all day for you.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good Morning, Glad you don't have anything you have to do today. We took Kaboodle cat to the vet for her yearly exam early this a.m. so we will be tired all day. We just don't bounce back like we once did! Kaboodle rec'd a good report considering her many health concerns and we are thankful for each day with her. I'm glad that you like the neighbor and it looks like he has an ideal place to park his truck. I hope the council will work with him. I think of great aunt Lucy each time I see your pears. She made very good pear preserves with the fruit from her trees. Praying that Wed. will be a good day for your wife's friend; God bless you two for assisting her.

  2. Great pictures !!
    I love that flower !!

  3. We have a big black truck like that at the end of out street.
    Here today gone for days.
    My morning glory's are just vines no blooms.
    Hope the people that buy our house like flowers.
    Have a good evening.

  4. Your Morning Glory is beautiful and well worth the long wait:)

  5. Pears sound good. I can't see where the truck is doing any harm. Just looks odd to some I suppose.
