Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunday Show Offs........

The older the zinnias are the more weathered they look.  It is nice that I still have buds opening with new blooms as these older ones fade away.

I placed the ceramic duck on the shelf to cover a blemish when I was photographing it.  The feather laying on the shelf was from the female cockatiel.  It has the special pattern on it that males do not have. It too is laying on a blemish in the wood.  I have not hung the shelf up yet but there is still time in my lifetime.

I inherited this gosh awful long cord that was my brothers.  Who knows what company he worked for when he borrowed it permanently.  I have a couple of these and I was thinking about how I disliked the link so much.  Maybe I could go and buy new ends and plugs to make it into two electric cords.

Yep another hardy geranium with lots of blooms. It really is a striking look with the dark green leaves behind it.

If you were to dig through my archives you could find this photo again.  It is different as I have put more things on the shelf since then but some of the same things still sit on the window sill.  I should bring the frog into the house and use it when I bring in cut flowers.

I am hoping that this will be a restful day for everyone.  I am in envy if you are having a barbecue as that sounds so great right now.  I hope everyone survived yesterdays college football games and today is a new day for some football game or a Sherlock Holmes mystery tonight. I don't watch football but someone out there is. We are hoping for another good day to rest. Have a great day for whatever you have planned.  Thank you for checking in today.

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