Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Feels like Fall........

The red maple is one of the first to turn in my yard.  Its reds are really not that red as the camera seems to want to show what it is suppose to look like.  They are really more brown. This is the tree that lost a bunch of its roots because of the ditch makers.  I may not see any damage until spring after it winters through with less roots to supply water to it.

The birch has made some great changes these past two days. I don't see that many trees turning yet but I guess it does do it overnight in some instances.

The full view here show that the silver maple may be turning its color right now too.  They usually are the last to drop their leaves so it could be the lighting messing with things and its leaves may just look lighter in color.

I do have a few tomatoes out there hiding in the weeds.  I have a lot of tomatoes in the house that were picked green and they are slow to turn color.  I will leave these until a frost scare comes along.

The phlox is at its end.  I need to get back to trimming it and getting the area ready for winter.  The leaves are almost all gone on the phlox so all I have left to do is cut the stems.  All of the plants in this area came up early this year so they really have worked through their full season of growth and death.

I will finish off with some color as the blog closes down.  I am in a study hall all day keeping children working on homework. I deliberately edited photos this morning and took my tine to blog as I have down time all day.  The kids are behaving and I am free to create at the computer. 

It is an early out but I get stuck with bus duty. It means it really isn't an early out for me.  I am feeling so much better now and figure I will wake up some morning and laugh that I don't think I was ever sick.  The cough hung around for a very long time.  I might get the yard mowed by next week and I have some tulip bulbs to get into the ground.  It is fall and I look forward to shutting down the outside work.  I am hoping that it won't be a wet.   Thank you for stopping in and I hope to see you here again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read your feeling better. We just returned from a northern outing to Itasca county. The colors were gorgeous and I can definitely say they're heading south....:)
