Friday, October 16, 2015 GREAT.

Looking out my computer desk window this is what I now see.  The birch and its leaves gives off a great glow as the sun is coming up in the morning. I you click on the the photo you can see the green mulch that was sprayed yesterday on our ditch areas. I don't know how grass will grow out of that mulch but I am hoping that it works.  They had a battery powered leaf blower clean out all the leaves in the ditches before they started spraying it.

Another photo of the same area shows how the sun makes the trees leaves a lot brighter in color. The above photo was taken out of the small window on the other side of the bay window.

This is a great time to have the bay window as it gives off such great views of the trees with different colors of leaves.  The green ditch reminds me of the yards that the Arizonians  have with painted green rock instead of grass. Sometimes I think they have picked the wrong green to spray their gravel but I guess each person has their own idea about what it should look like. I will have to mow up leaves soon but I hope I don't have to dress up in winter clothes to do so.

I really like the colors of this dahlia but I thought I had planted  a couple of different colors. This seems to be the only color that I have. I may cut some of these to bring inside as we will be one degree from freezing tonight.  I hope we don't get that cold as town temperatures stay warmer than prairie temperatures.

Last night it seemed very cold so I brought in the impatience plant.  I will put that in the birds room so it can get good sunlight each morning.  I must make a decision on the one or two hardy geraniums that will remain potted.  The rest are getting pulled up and put upside down in the basement as stems and roots. I also will have to remember to dig the dahlias after a hard frost and try to save them over the winter.

The fish were held in a smaller 5 gallon tank all day yesterday and then last night after supper I transferred them to their new winter home.  I had treated the water for chlorine and had slimmed it for them so they wouldn't go into shock.When netting the fish in the morning I sort of knew that I didn't have one small fish.  I went back to the pond after I had dumped these into the small tank.  The water had cleared out there and there was one floating next to the brick not making a move, a black and orange one waiting for me to net it.

 As you can see it is bare essentials at this point with the tank, water and rock, but sometime this morning I will start adding the decorative stuff. There are two larger goldfish, one orange and one white.  They are a year old now and were small feeder fish when I bought them. 

There are five smaller fish that were bought as feeder fish this past spring. They have grown a lot too.  I buy them because they are cheap and I can wait for them to grow. I suspect I will buy a few more feeder fish to put in there so that there will be three sizes of fish. I am still kinda of proud of figuring out how to run the outdoor garden hose through the window to get this filled.  That would have been 20 trips with one gallon buckets to fill it otherwise. I guess with a bigger bucket I could have made 10 trips. I spill a lot of water when I carry water and pour water into the tank.

I don't want the frost to come as I will lose these blooms.  The vine took a sharp turn in color last night so the colder weather is getting to them.  Both places where I have planted glories are blooming profusely.

I am home again today and not a school.  It will be nice to get some more of the fall stuff done.  I tried to work out by the shed yesterday but I was invaded with fiber optic people out in the alley.  They look like they have finished the job so I can return today.  I will have to dress in layers as it isn't going to get warm today. It will take all day for it to get to 56 degrees F.  Around 4:00 we hit our peaked high temperature.

Rain in California is good and bad.  I hope all are ok and not having damaged property.  The rest of the country is moving into the fall season and I hope all is well with everyone.  Thanks for checking in on my blog today.


  1. Larry,

    Your golden bursts of colour are simply beautiful! Our yard is the same GREEN it was all Summer, except now it's fading to a yellowy green. The grapevine hasn't changed much either, except for being loaded with the tee-nineciest RAISINS (where the birds missed).

    Loving your beautiful photos!


    Silliest thing---you know, until just now when I looked, I've thought all this time that you were about level with us across the map. Now I see your state is totally above us, all the way. And thus in a different "plant" zone. How I remember those, from my Mammaw's long correspondence with Park and Burpee.

    Someday, when we go to Chicago, we're gonna take that Right Hand turn toward IOWA instead of Left toward home. We say we'd like to do that every time we go. Sis and DBIL just got home from a month on the road, "Doing Movies." They went to Bridges of M.C., Field of Dreams, and then headed up to the Somewhere in Time hotel for a week. What a great time they had!

  2. Hey Larry,
    Des Moines Marathon/Half Marathon is Sunday! We will be in your town! I'm not sure how close you live to the race, but just thought I would mention it.
    Cool pics as always. Fall is turning out to be quite the color bomb this year. Perhaps the best I have seen yet in Iowa. ( 5 years now!)

    Ethan A Allen

  3. That green stuff they spray really grows fast you may be surprised in a couple of weeks. You just keep on blooming!! :)
