Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday Starts us Off........

The voluteer vine seems to make itself right at home on my house.  I finally have one leaf that is getting stuck in the door as I open and close it. I normally cut this down early in the season but it has done well where it grows and is quite a good decoration.

My wife was exclaiming about the dashes of orange in out backyard.  She didn't see the guy out there tracking down the old phone line and marking it. The new line isn't even close to it but procedure requires them to mark it for safety reasons.  He was a nice guy and Button and I was out when he was spraying.  I am glad he didn't give Button a stripe but the dog was a little under his feet while he was there.  I showed him where the line went under the concrete patio and where the line was cut and reconnected because a son of mine dug into it while putting a basketball post into the ground.  There are lots of orange marks all around the post. When the new line goes in the old one will be left to rot or down there probably to be found my historians years from now.

While out shooting photos I got a good sun glow shot.  I was trying to get a photo of the corner fence that I put in last summer.

I really do like how it all turned out and the dogs enjoy being able to go to the corner and view all the things of the world through the little holes. The row of hostas looked good this summer and next summer they will be larger making the weeds to be crowded out.

The ditch people, sounds like a movie doesn't it?  Anyway the ditch people were out trying to correct and straighten things out.  They dug out my culvert opening but I am sure they didn't get the dirt inside of the culvert.  One rain and it will all be filled in again. The soil finally has dried out from the lake that has been formed there for a month.  I am still waiting for the grass to be put down on the ground. That dirt down there will make great potting soil if I can get there before it rains again.  Iowa top soil is good dirt for growing.

The sky is a great blue and the temperatures are going up and down drastically.  We are to have a very windy day today.  As I walked Barney last the leaves were falling while under the street lights making it seem like a Halloween walk. The leaves were casting shadows on us and also landing on top of our heads. It was a windy balmy night last night and it was the first time I was able to take the dog on his night walk since the last virus attack.  I didn't have any coughing fit when I came in and that was good.

It is a flowery finish today as I can't not share a morning glory today.  The red ones I never see bloom anymore but they are blooming early morning.  The white one next to the house will keep sharing flowers until it gets too cold.

i am in the high school science room today covering the classes while the teacher is on a field trip.  He has a good day for it with it warming up and not raining.  I am not getting any outside work done while at school but maybe tomorrow I will be home.  I appreciate your stopping by for a look-see and have a great day.


  1. I am glad he didn't paint Button. He used to get blue pastel dust on him as a puppy when he when he would come to see me in the studio, and that was hard enough to remove!

  2. I see life in the yard is well at your home--- missing all my flowers but they do have some here in our new place, will have to show them.
    We like it here so far. Fall is showing here and it is much cooler now.
    hope your day is a good one.

  3. You will be all high speed before you know it! That is a beautiful white morning glory! I think the high today was 46 compared to 88 yesterday..and my body feels every degree:(
