Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday's Here.........

I bought two algae eaters.  I have shared this story before now.  I put them in there and they were very small.  I assumed the big fish in the photo ate them.  I do think they did eat one of them but the other algae was spotted behind some heating equipment on the back of the aquarium a couple of days ago.  He is working, even though I have never seen him at work, as the back of the tank is showing spots of clean glass as the he eats it away.  On a good day I will buy a larger one at a real pet store, not wally mart, and it will get to work helping out the little guy.

My birch tree has interesting bark that doesn't shed like the river birch.  It does get all these great patterns on it.  Everywhere a limb has been removed from the tree the round design stays in the bark.

The barberry is now losing its little leaves.  The colors are always nice in the fall as the leaves have a rusty look to them and turn orange and yellow.

The old lilac lost a large limb in our wind storm last week.  It landed on the fence which did help me when I cut it away from the main branch.  This is an old photo as the leaves are now all dropped from the lilac bushes.

I have a busy schedule after school today so I don't know if I will get any new photos taken.  I am getting low on fresh shots.  I am teaching in the high school science room.  Thank you for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

  1. You will have to buy plump older algae eaters! Science that should have been interesting! :)
