Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Slow Start.......

Our first tray of ornaments are now on the tree.  We have three more small boxes of items to placed on the branches. It seems like the day will be a slow one.  We are gray outside with a promise of heavy rains coming in the evening.

The bubble lights have been placed on the large tree this year.  Most of our ornaments are older fashioned so the lights fit right in to the group.  I have three strings of them and they scatter around on the tree pretty well.  I noticed last night as I walked the dog that I don't have very many lights on the back of the tree.  As people look in they will see lights but not so many at the middle of the tree.  I may have to intentionally place lights on the back so people can see a fully decorated tree.

My wife's angel collection sits below the angel tree.  The grouping shows a collection that has taken place for a lot of years.  Usually one angel is added per year.

We have a slow weekend planned for now.  We need to get meds for my wife and also for Button.  We will get a few groceries and be home this afternoon.  I need to buy nails so I can finish tacking down my new roof material.  I would like to cover it to keep it waterproof before the big rain but I have to get the nails hammered in first.

I hope all are going to have a good day today.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Good Morning, Be careful running your errands this morning. I enjoy seeing your wife's beautiful angel collection. The bubble lights are great, too. Reminds me of my grandmother's tree.

  2. We got our shopping done early and it is gray old day here too>

  3. I really like the angels especially the Jim Shore ones:)
