Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve........

The garden keeps growing inside away from that snowy weather outside. The temperatures outside have been in the single digits at night.  It is normal winter but I really don't like it so much anymore. The spider plant has been planted in the new container all summer and it still acts like it is going to be a dwarf-like plant. Usually they grow uncontrollably and they have to be moved to larger containers.

The house really does not lean like it has a bad foundation.  My wife received as a present small trees for her village last Christmas.  They make a nice addition to the village. I have noticed that I am taking some bad shots lately.  I posted a very blurred image of a junco yesterday and I went back today to replace it with a better shot.  Some days I have blurry eyes and I really am putting up bad shots not realizing it. I guess I need to get an editor with good eyesight.

I tried to take a special effects shot of the tree the other night and I realized I can't do that with my camera.  I had done it in the past but I do it with my wife's camera.  A blog friend posted some great moving lights on the tree shots the other day and I had forgotten that I use to do those kinds of photos.

I did get some new seed bought fot the birds.  I was going to buy the large sacks of corn that people use to feed deer but I couldn't find it at the store.  It was very inexpensive as deer food in a very large sack in comparison to the squirrel food they sell in the small sacks.  I may have to look at Mennards.  In the years past I have seen people buy a dozen sacks at a time and put them in their truck.  I never knew if they were burning it or feeding deer.  I guess I was not completely clear but I was going to feed squirrels away from the bird feeder.

I am really low on photos to use for the blog so I will share a bad shot of the fireplace wall. Yes it leans and yes some of the books need to be straightened. The clock usually is placed on the mantel but then at Christmas it gets to set on the shelf in front of books. The window to the right is the one that looks out to the birch tree and the neighbors two sheds, camper, pickup and the street.

A busy day is planned for us so I guess I need to shut this down.  I hope most people are not as cold as we are.  Maybe Saturday we may have some melting.  I hope so.  Thank you for visiting my blog today.


  1. I always marvel at your green thumb! Your Christmas tree is so pretty and full of delightful ornaments. I also love your fireplace. What a sweet little village scene, too. Your cold temps sound dreadful. You to take care and give the doggies a hug. Happy New Year's Eve.

  2. Blogging has been fun with you my friend.Have a warm and cheerful
    New Years Eve!

  3. Your fireplace wall is very pretty! Happy New Year! We are supposed to be near 30 F on Saturday we will see. Don't party too hard:)

  4. Your home is so warm and cozy Larry, always lots to share and often a project ongoing.
    I wish you and yours a Happy New Year filled with much peace, happiness and contentment.
    Here's to another year of visiting back and forth !

  5. We also had our first snow here in NH this week and it is still here to end the year! Thanks fir your blog friendship this past year, Larry. Our best wishes to you and yours for all the best in this fast coming New Year. And, I also have problems taking photos of our Christmas displays:-)
