Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday All Day.........

The snow was gone by the end of the second day.  We are suppose to be in the 50s by Friday.  It of course is now turned into mud.  It was pretty while it lasted.

The tail of a female cardinal is shown in this shot.  It was early morning and there really was not enough light for taking the shot.  I see that the woodpeckers are still hanging around for the suet as that is easy picking for them.

My wife's angel tree has a lot of sparkle and shine.  The clear ornaments let the lights behind them enhance them.  That tree is completely up now with angels added to the table below it.  There are musical angels and others that she has received as gifts.

It looks like a convention of them as they are arranged along the bottom of the tree.

It may be the only tree put up in the dining room as my tree has taken a turn for the worse.  The base of it has broken so the stand will not hold the tree up anymore. The way the fake trees are made I don't think I can adapt anything to it to make it work. My wife wants me to use her tree that she puts her teddy bears but I am not sure I want to do that.  It would be nice if the after Christmas sales were going on right now. My cheap glass ornaments are too many to add to our regular big tree.  It would be a pain to sort them when we were to take it all down again.  Mature minds are still working on the problem.

My wife's newest addition to the collection is a smaller angel.  I had not noticed before how the face is less characteristic to that most of those coming from this artist. I don't want to say it is cartoon like but it is not so stylized as others usually are. I had forgotten that I had bought it for my wife last Christmas.  When she pulled it out of its box it was a surprise.  It is a nice one by Jim Shore.

We had Lifeflight go over our house last night.  It sounds like a large lawn mower coming over to trim the tops of the trees. One of my students, 16 years old, that I have known for the past three years, had heart failure while at basketball practice. Pray for Andrew as he really is struggling to stay with us. He was suppose to be in my first hour library this morning. This happening makes the day at school seem pretty quiet among those students who really know what has happened to him.

I appreciate your stopping by today.  


  1. I sure hope Andrew will come through this ,he is so young!
    Looks like Christmas at your home, I need to get busy.

  2. I will pray for Andrew. So young. This must have been a shocking surprise for his family and friends.

    Your wife's angel tree is so pretty and the angel by Shore is indeed unusual in her expressions.

  3. I like that first picture of the railing.

  4. Praying for Andrew.

    The angels are all very beautiful.

  5. Larry, I have a new email and blog. If you click on my name here, it should take you to both.
