Saturday, December 5, 2015

Too Much......

My collection seems to be too big.  I have tried to consolidate them from two trees, a small one and one mediums sized to be hung on one individual medium sized tree.

I have had to start taking off the smaller ornaments and only place the larger ones on the tree.  It was the only solution as there are just too many ornaments for the tree that I am using.  It seems to be like more than I can figure out right now.  I hung as many as I can and have just walked away from it.

It is a crowd as you can see.  I have a cold that is slowing me down.  I guess it will all look better tomorrow.

I ran over this morning to help out the neighbor with a few chores.  I returned and quickly got ready to go to the bookstore with my wife.  Once I got to the place I realized that I had forgotten to shave.  I realized though as I looked around that only the guys my age do shave and all the young guys have just quit grooming in general.  I will shave before I go to church tomorrow.

We picked up some wood for my porch roof today.  It was a busy place and those who checked out seem like they were on break while they were working.  I guess it was the B team that worked today. 

We stopped at Wally Mart on the way home and that was not as busy as I expected.  We usually use the self check out system and for some reason they didn't have the scan numbers working for the potatoes we were buying. I went back to get another sack of potatoes and that didn't scan either.  I mentioned to the supervisor that maybe they were free today.  I guess she was not listening.  We came home without potatoes and we might stop again tomorrow as we really are out of potatoes. 

We have had a warm day today and I should have been outside working.  It just doesn't happen when I have a punky cold.   I will work outside some other day.   Thank you for stopping by today.  Maybe tomorrow I won't be so grumpy.


  1. Sorry about the cold. It's hard to do much of anything when you feel so bad. We rarely get out on Saturdays...seems people are more rude and in a hurry than usual on Sat.!!! I always think of you both when I am shopping and I see pretty Christmas coffee have a great selection of mugs!

  2. Sorry about your cold but had to happen just being with school kids ----here we are around bunch of older people all the time,
    I know we are old

  3. Hope your cold goes away quickly so that you'll be feeling much better.

    My dear husband had a beard, which I loved. :-)

    I've basically taken to mostly using ornaments that are sentimental.

    Happy Christmas holiday ~ FlowerLady

  4. I hope you get over your cold, teenagers are germy so it is no wander you got sick. No scan # for potatoes, the gal could have looked that up or called someone to figure it out. We are well trained in the self checkout now, of course we shop the same day of the week so I guess we are regulars and it is usually the same gal working and she is helpful in case the machine has a problem.
    Take Good Care of you! :)
