Tuesday, December 22, 2015


The beginning of the task is to bring all the boxes upstairs.  They are not so heavy but the most I can carry at once is three at a time.

Once everything is upstairs then the fun begins.  We get the snow all arranged and then my wife begins creating her village.  Once everything is in place then I step in to do the lights.

I can't always get a focused shot because of the need for low light so the lights inside the buildings will shine out. I took a few quick shots and I was surprised that they didn't look blurry. This will be the last of any decorations to be displayed.  We leave the village up through January as it a little bit more than a Christmas decoration.  I have a first cousin that leaves up a farm set of buildings year round to remind her of the history of the area where she lives.

The tree that had lights on it only was altered last night.  I had a batch of cheap plastic balls for an outside tree.  I decided that it wasn't that decorative for the work I put in it so I didn't do it this year. I brought up the box and selected a few to put on the tree, that might fall down.  It took less than 15 minutes to hang them and the results were great.  I leave the lights on with this tree all night so those who are out and about can enjoy it.  It also is a great nightlight when you take the little dog outside at night. The dining room glows with the lights on at night.

I am frustrated that I can't find my box of brass sleigh bells.  I haven't seen them for a couple of years.  I know what the antique wood box looks like. I can always go back and look at them in a blog I did about them a few years ago but I want to see them in real life again.

I picked up a job today for a high school pe instructor.  I waited for a while but no one seemed to want it.  It isn't a full day of work and 4 out of 6 of the classes that I cover will be classroom health classes.  The end is coming to the getting things done around here.  We shipped off a painting and two boxes of presents yesterday and that should be the end of that.

The Christmas card situation is what it is. It gets done when I can find a free time to do it.  It will be a half letter day this year rather than a full sheet.  Maybe I will fill it up with photos of the grandson.  We bought presents yesterday morning and we will go shopping again when I get off work today.  I an assuming that I won't get work tomorrow so we can work on the list again tomorrow.  We are both feeling a lot draggy right now but we will bounce back.

All the weather seems different but it is normal as we never have the same winter ever.  We had a foggy morning today and it will warm up some today.  I hope all are doing well today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your home must look lovely.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. We are in and wanting for bad weather today!
    But the house looks merry, You have a good day and stay dry.

  3. You put your sleigh bells away too good! We do that around here too:)
