Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday's Final Finish........

The sky looks like we could have seen the sun today.  When there were some breaks in the clouds I could see a glow on the neighbor's houses to the east of us. The neighbor's garage with a chimney on it seems to always make it into my sky shots. This is the first time ever that I wondered why there was a chimney on that model T garage.  In the older days people had these because they had active blacksmith burners, forge, to work with horseshoes.  It would seem not the case for this one as the building was meant for a car.

Woven wire with a wheel standing in the white snow. Whitish bark on the river birch seems less white with the white painted garage and snow in its background. Weeds mix with the raspberry plants while I am freezing cold while taking this photo. It looked warmer than it really was so I hurried and snapped and returned to the house.

When I first saw this shot I thought maybe February was coming in like a lion.  Then I shook it off realizing that it is in March when we say lion and lamb comparisons.  Low light again is messing with my focus.  I will have to start taking shots earlier in the day.

The snow hangs on.  We have more snow on the ground than Washington D.C.  but we still survive.  We had a light dusting this morning before I left for school.  We were at 20 degrees F. this morning.  It seemed like a heat wave on paper but the light wind makes the air seem a lot colder.

My old wooden box that I used for the shelf is about to be on its last leg. I will need to do repair on it this spring or just remove it. I am anxious to see what grows up from the ground this spring. I planted a few new things and gosh I am ready for spring.

I am leaving you with a clue of what is happening this weekend. It doesn't seem like family will ever get together but life does get busy for everyone.  Our youngest son has a birthday tomorrow.  He lives in Maine so we won't be sharing cake.

I am following students today into different classrooms monitoring some more closely than others.  My presence is there for help if it is needed.  Otherwise I just get to learn things all day in all subjects.  I hope all are doing well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hello! Looks like the little car might be a present for AJ. Happy Birthday wishes to your son in ME. I sure love the photo of the wheel, wire and river gorgeous. I hope your day goes smoothly and that you and your wife will have a nice weekend. I think everyone across the country is holding their breath about the predicted weather. God bless.

  2. We got our first snow, compared to you guys it is just spit of the stuff.
    Hoping your day goes well.

  3. Wish we had just a bit of that snow, Larry...I am envious right now.
