Thursday, January 14, 2016

I Need Wings......

I will be substitute teaching all week.  Sometimes I think wings would help me. The cow is an ornament in the room that I am working in today.  I could not pass up taking a shot of this.

Even though we are both artists we do hang other artist's works in our house.  We bought this print in Grand Rapids, Minnesota probably 20 years ago.  We both admire the work by Mario Fernandez and a print like this tossed into a bargain bin was too tempting to pass up for us.

A seagull is a common bird up north and now even here in Iowa. His painting of the bird was detailed in such a way to break up the normal wing shape into a multicolored sets of shapes of feathers.  The color scheme is a very relaxing one.

  The bird really reflects a lot of light making it white but the artist is seeing it as a detailed sculptural shape.

Bookshelves can tell others a lot about a person.  This particular shelf has mostly art reference books or cheap books bought for viewing. Some people would call the coffee table books but we don't keep things like this on our coffee table. I have found that books have great looking covers and the paper cover is great to see but the book itself has lesser quality photos. Having the very best photo on the cover does sell a book.

I am a special education teacher today, working with students in the room and also traveling to different classrooms. When they have work time independently in the classroom, so do I.  We are having a thaw today temperature wise and then tomorrow we get thrown back into the freezer.  It is strange weather but we didn't use to get such detailed forecasts so we then took it as it came at us.  I hope everyone is well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wish I could say (gone fishing) today.

  2. I like that sea gull, I love their squawking! I know it irritates most people. Gone Fishin' that is a cute sign. School is keeping you busy lately...we are headed back to the deep freeze again too...I have to do meal planning and go to the store so we can stay put the real cold days:(
