Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday Morning Muse.......

When it is very cold outside and the snow seems to be deep, I don't take the time to clear the top of the bird feeder.  I have this old pie carrier lid, I tossed the bottom of it by mistake, and I fill it with some seed.  I can just sit it out there until I can return to clear off the snow.  I think this was done on a Sunday morning when time was limited.  I have used a plate before I found this plastic thing.

As the junco is peaking out from the container so does the garden turtle peeks our from the snow drift.  I didn't get him taken all the way down the stairs into the basement.  He sits right next to the door but it snowed before I could get him moved. He is tough and he really could stay outside without a worry. I did get everything else in early this fall except for turtle and one metal small patio table.  On a melting day I can  remedied that.

The woodpeckers are really enjoying the suet.  I think that I have one hairy woodpecker and two or three downy woodpeckers.

This may be a reposted photo but I am always amused with the woodpeckers that try to peck for bugs in a green wood piece of lumber.  Both downy and hairy woodpeckers check the wood out before they go for the suet. I have a red bellied woodpecker that rarely comes to the feeder but he pecks loudly at the silver maple trees out in the backyard.  I am waiting for the perfect time when I can get a shot of it hammering away at the tree.

A part of my plan with the obsession of ornaments includes that I don't pay a lot of money for them.  I did break a glass ornament like the one on the fourth one, top row.  The little soldier crashed to the floor and shattered easily.

Now for me to replace him I had to buy a whole other set.  This set is just like the one I bought a few years ago. The cashier remarked that they were giving these away to the customers.  I paid two bucks, fifty for the tray of the small hand painted ornaments. To show that I am not totally obsessed I left one other tray at the store.  I do think this is the third tray now that I have bought like this in the past four years.

The Chinese people who paint these, sadly get paid so little for their work. There are 18 of them and I am sure they are painted by many different people along the conveyor. I cannot believe the amount of time spent on something that is sold for so little money.

Being the Star Wars movie has been out, I found that the viewing of this photo made me laugh. The Santa looks lie he is being surrounded by Darth Vader. We looked at most of the older Star Wars movies before we went to see the new one.  The new one is a very well done movie.

It is Monday and I am glad that I didn't have to substitute teach today.  I have a half day lined up for Thursday but me having time off is good. We are cold today but not excessively cold.  The weather people keep getting things wrong.  We may get a lot colder but for now 22 degrees seems good rather than the single digits they were predicting.

I hope everyone has a good Monday. Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. You are a kind soul Larry, and I just know those little birds are well aware of your kindness, especially when the feeders are covered in snow.
    The little glass ornaments have been my choice also for the past few years, so shiny and festive, I love the shapes and whimsy they bring to the tree.
    Not seen the Star Wars film yet, but it's on my list !
    Stay warm dear friend.
