Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday's a Start............

The newer violet that I purchased a year ago is now settling in and blooming.  I had taking it from the commercial soil and put it into a better real soil and it has grown larger.  The special effects are brought to you by a mistake in photography.

I am glad to see some of these violets are coming back as they didn't seem to do well this past summer.

I assume everyone has been clued in that our grandson was here this last weekend for a visit.  His mom wasn't feeling well so she sent the two boys over to eat with us at the Pizza Hut. The waitress remarked when we left that we seemed to really enjoy being together.  It was a fun time and everyone loves pizza. Our son Andy was tired from the six hour trip but he is young and bounces back quickly.

Some part of AJ is always moving so the blurred areas are of course moving parts of the subject.

When the meal is over he loves to have books read to him.  It gives the adults a little bit more conversation time when he is so easily entertained.

Our son gave us his old phone.  He loves the phone but wanted to buy the upgrade. I am learning fairly well on the use of it but it has a few quirks that I need to get use to. One of the reasons our son wanted us to have this is the facetime feature. We hooked up on it and we can see and talk to each other at the same time.  AJ can now see us when he talks to us on the device.  We saw him extremely excited last night that he was back home in Arlington Heights.

My fingers have to learn how to be gentle to press on the buttons.  I am better now that a few days ago and can now put in my email password without only one of two mistakes.  Pressing on buttons is a part of our society but everything has a different skill level to do that.  I get somewhat frustrated with it but I will only be able to use this phone with my glasses off and the phone close to my face. As I said to my wife, it is a new toy.  Andy trained me patiently and I will sit down and show her the way on the thing.

I tried to take a photo and I didn't just tap the dot.  I kept my finger over it and it took 18 photos.  I will really have to get use to that as a camera is just a press down and let up whenever. I have two batches like this of photos on the phone already, adding up to about 46 photos.  I will have to delete them now. I think I can figure that out by trial and error. My hands seem too bulky to work it but I will learn.

I didn't get called in for work today.  I have a cold with the sore throat today so I would have turned jobs down anyway.  There are a couple I could have done if they didn't require teaching.

We are to get freezing rain today so school may be sent home early today.  It will depend on how easy it is to see on the radar of its threat to our area.  In this photo you can see the little guy has all the skill he needs to find his children's apps and to choose the one that he is in the mood for at the time.

I am drinking lots of fluids today and will live on asprin hoping to get over the cold.  I know the weather is causing problems for a lot of people out there.  I hope everyone stays safe and warm.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good picture of you an AJ! We recently got an I Pad and my husband enjoys facetime with his sister...I still don't like phones. I hope you get over your cold quickly, it is that time of year. Rest and have chicken soup:)

  2. Sorry you feel bad and glad no work for you today. Take naps!
