Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Again it Snows......

Spring is a long ways away.  We keep being told our normal temps should be 35 degrees F. for this time of the year and yet we are going to have a colder week than ever.  Each day for the rest of the week the mercury of the thermometer will drop.

At the present time we are getting a powdery snow.  It is a thick coat on the ground but it really is a feathery weighted snow.  Shoveling for button was so easy.  I brushed the snow off the car in seconds and made a tire track clearing out and back on the drive to the street.  This snow is done now at 10:30 and I think we won't see more today.

The photo is what I see each time I let the dogs out.  The round rock doesn't let snow cling to it like the iron ore rock does.  The birds are feeding quickly in the snow and one junco has just set up camp on the bottom shelf of the feeder.

On the inside today, I see that I need to repot this set of plants.  It keeps growing and appears to be in distress.  I see the spiders that hang around the window have left me a web on the window.  I didn't intend to show it but I bet you all have webs somewhere in your house right now.  I do know that I split this plant up early last summer but it seems to have made it to grow or increase faster.

No work for me today.  I don't have anything booked for the rest of the week. I do have this sore throat thing redeveloping and I am not sure where and why that is back from wherever.  I know the cold air is hard on a body and going in and out often is good at weakening the defenses.  I don't like how it makes you feel weary.   I will just have to  buck up.  Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope everyone has a good day. 


  1. Good Afternoon, I'm sorry to read about your sore throat. Your snow pictures are pretty but that severe cold would be difficult to manage. Your plant has really grown. Thankful you will have a few days off from school. Maybe you can rest and feel better. I am thankful your snow was easily moved for little Button.

  2. You mostly got it from being at school don't you think.
    The darlings love to share.
    We didn't get snow but it sure is cold.
    I just no we are going to get sick, these little old ladies
    here just love to hug and hold your hands when we go to coffee
    at the clubhouse.
    Have a good day!

  3. We did get some snow in Nashua, NH. And, we are also battling the remnants of post nasal drip, but no infectiins. Chicken soup is a great home remedy and we have it a lot during singer months...easy and good.

  4. Snow here too -- and a quiet day inside. I had to cancel the writing class I teach on Wednesday nights -- too much danger of black ice. Stay warm and take care of that sore throat!

  5. I hope you are not relapsing...some people do with that crud. Your plant needs a shower and you probably really perked it up last year when you divided it! Yes I have spider webs happens in the winter:)
