Saturday, February 20, 2016


While taking a shot of the last big drift next to the drive way I noticed a tall tree and a giant in the photo.

You can see that the giant is a tall guy with no arms. This smaller snow drift will probably go away in the next two days.  The depressing thing that I saw out there was the large amount of debris on the ground.  Because of the ditch-making going on none of us raked any leaves. It is hard explain but things were torn up and mowing nor raking seemed possible at the time. The wet leaves now and the hundreds of sticks from our snowstorms are all mixed together on a muddy yet still frozen yard.  It will take a lot of work to get that all up from the ground.

The sun was sure shining brightly while I was out there.  It doesn't feel that warm but 10 degrees above freezing does make me feel like there is hope for spring.

I have a lot of excuses for me not blogging normally in the morning.  My photo storage area refused to let me download anything. I was fighting that and I could get a solution to the problem. We were planning to get out of here to go to the bookstore this morning and we have a almost 3 year old that needs to have birthday present sent to him.   We did get it all done plus groceries purchased.  The afternoon is now a leisure time and I am getting my blogging done.  I did get downloading done this afternoon but someone in the net world was down and not working correctly.

Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. When the snow melt it sure can look ugly for a few days. All the deep snow kept us from walking the usual trails with our dog. So it was the back yard for her "duties." I'm not looking forward to cleaning that up either....
